DIMMU BORGIR - MOURNING PALACE From the Album ENTHRONED DARKNESS TRIUMPHANT Tuning: E(normal) . - palm mute ph - pinched harmonic / - slide up to ah - artificial harmonic \ - slide down to hr - harmonic ~ - vibrato p - pull off bf - full bend h - hammer on bh - bend half a step () - ghost note r - release bend pbh,f - prebend(h-half step, f-full) t - tap th - tap harmonic < - accent chord or note Sick and tired of seeing all the other bad versions out there. This tablature was originally published in Chaos Theory magazine back in 1999 and was reviewed by many for accuracy. This is as close to an official tab as you'll get of this song. Hopefully I made no typos transfering this over from the magazine. ___________ _____________________ Keyboard | 1. | 2. ||---------------------------------------------||-----------------------| ||--------2----------2----------2--------------||-----------------------| ||*-------2----------2----------2-------------*||-----------------------| ||*---4---4------4---4------4---4-------------*||-----------------------| ||-------(4)--------(4)--------(4)---2-5-4-7~--||---2--5--4--7~---------| ||--2---2------2---2------2---2----------------||-----------------------| | | Guitar ||---------------------------------------------||-----------------------| ||---------------------------------------------||-----------------------| ||*-------------------------------------------*||-----------------------| ||*-------------------------------------------*||---4--7--6--9----------| ||---------------------------------------------||---2--5--4--7----------| ||---------------------------------------------||---2--5--4--7----------| . . . . ____________ ____________ Guitar 1 and 2 | 1,2,3,4,5 | 6. ||-- Suggest correction What's this? You can suggest a correction to this tab. Community and Mods will review your correction and vote to approve or reject it.