Fall Away No one tabbed it so i took a shot at it . It should be base for people to work on more if they want . Intro and Chorus ( Intro played by first guitar and this part is played by the second durring the chorus) This bassicaly the riff through the whole song with a lil variation here and there like added bass note. E-----11--11----8--8---9---9---8---8-| ocacsionly --------8 B----9---9----9---9---9---9---9---9--| ------9 G--10--10---10--10--10--10--10--10---| ----11 D------------------------------------| -------- A------------------------------------| E------------------------------------| Chorus Chords E--9-----8----8--2-| B--9-----9----8--2-| G--10----10---8--3-| D--11----10 --6--4-| A--11----8----6--4-| E--9-------- -8--2-| For the bridge go back and forth between Bm and C# Any questions or comments email me at [email protected]