歌手头像-Dream Theater

Silent Man

音乐人: Dream Theater


Theater - The Silent Manfrom Awake1. A question well served,      "Is2. Has man been a victim of hisGtr.1 12 string acoustic||---------3----------3---------2---|-----------2-------------2-----------|||---------3----------3---------3---|-----------3-------------3-----------|||o--------0----------0---------2---|-----------2---------2---2-----------|||o--------0----------0----0----0---|----0------0---------2---0---0---0---|||-------------------------0----0---|----0------0---------0-------0---0---|||----3----------3------------------|-------------------------------------|silence like a fever?woman, of his 
voice never heard?"           "Or aIf he elects not to bother,     will hew/fill 1|-------3----0---------------2---|-----------2----------2-----------------||-------3----3---------------3---|-----------3----------3----3----0-------||-------0----0---------------2---|-----------2----------2----2----0-------||-------0----0----------0----0---|-----------0------0---0----0------------||-------x-----------0---0----0---|------0-----------0---------------------||--3----3------------------------|----------------------------------------|Fill 1|-------3---3---3----------------2--|-------------------------------------||-------3---3---3--3---3---------3--|-------3---------------3--x--x-------||-------0---0---0--0---0---------2--|-------2---------------0--x--x-------||-------0---0------0---x---x--x--0--|-------0-----------4---4--x--x-------||------------------2---3---x--x--0--|---0-------0---5-------5--x--x-------||---3-------------------------------|-------------------------------------|message with no receiver?"                   suffocate their faith?                       
                                   ThumbPray they won't ask.                                  Be  -Desperate to fall                                     Be  -|--0---------0----------0----0---x--|--0----------0---------0-------------||--0---------0----------0----0---x--|--1----------1---------1---1----1----||--0---------0----------0----0---x--|--0----------0---------0---0----0----||--2---------4----------2----2------|--2----2----------2----2---2----2----||--2---------2----------------------|--0----0----------0----0-------------||--0----0----------0----------------|-------------------------------------|hind the stained glasshind the Great Wall|--0-----------------------------0--|--0-------0---------0---0---0--------||--1/3---------3------------3----0--|--0-------0---------0---0---0--------||--0-----------0------------0-------|--0-------0---------0---0------------||--2/4----4----4------------4-------|--2-------4---------4----------------||--0------0--------------0----------|--2-------2---------2----------------||-----------------------------------|--0---0--------0---------------------|there's always one more mask.that separates us all.|-----------------------------------|------------------------------------|||--3---------3---------3----x----x--|---7---------------7----------------|||--0---------0---------0----x----x--|---7---------------7---------------o|||--4---------4---------4----x----x--|---7---------------7---------------o|||--3----3---------3----3----x----x--|---x---------------x----------------|||-----------------------------------|---8------8--------8----------------||ChorusWhen there is reason, Tonight I'm awake                  (Tonight I'm awake)let 
                 When there's no answer.            Arrive(The Silent Man)|---0------------|--------0--------0----------|---------------------------||---0------------|-----0--------0---------0---|---------------------------||---8------------|--1--------1---------4------|---2-----------------------||---9------------|----------------------------|---------------------------||----------------|----------------------------|---------------------------||----------------|----------------------------|---------------------------|the silent man.                             If there is bal - |-----------0------------0--|-(0)------------|-------0--------0-----------||--------0------------0-----|----------------|----0--------0--------0-----||-----6------------8--------|----------------|-1--------1--------1--------||--7------------9-----------|----------------|----------------------------||---------------------------|----------------|----------------------------||---------------------------|----------------|----------------------------|ance         tonight   he's awake       (Tonight he's awake)           (The Silent man)|--------0--------0-------0--|-------0--------0-----0-|-------0-------0---0||-----0--------0----------0--|----0--------0----------|----0-------0-------||--2--------2---------2------|-6--------6--------6----|-8-------8-------8--||----------------------------|------------------------|--------------------||----------------------------|------------------------|--------------------||----------------------------|------------------------|--------------------|If they have to suffer                          there lies|-------0--------0--------|-------0--------0-----0------------------------||----0--------0--------0--|----0--------0--------0------------------------||-1--------2--------4-----|-2--------2--------2---------------------------||-------------------------|-----------------------------------------------||-------------------------|-----------------------------------------------||-------------------------|-----------------------------------------------|the silent 
Solo|-------------------------------|------------------------------------------|--------------8--7h8p7---------|------------10------12-----10-------------|--------7--9------------9--7~--|---7--9/11------11------11-----11\9p7-----|--7--9-------------------------|--------------------------------------9---|-------------------------------|------------------------------------------|-------------------------------|------------------------------------------  --------|-------------------9--7h9p7--5--------|--------------------------|--------|----------------------------------8---|-------6---6--------------|---7h9--|--(9)~------6-------------------------|-----5h7---5--------------|--------|---------------7----------------------|---------------7\5p3\2----|--------|--------------------------------------|--------------------------|--------|--------------------------------------|--------------------------|Sin without deceivers,   a God with no believers|-------------------------|------------------------|-----------------------|-------------------------|----------1-------------|------3-----------7----|-----------0-------------|-------0--------0-------|---------0----------0--|--------4-------4--------|----2--------------2----|-2/4----------4/7-----7|-----2-------------2-----|-0-----------0--------0-|------------0---------||--0-------------------0--|------------------------|-----------------------I could sail by on the winds|----------------------------------|----------0---------------------------||----------8--------7\5---------3--|----------3---3------3----------------||----------------------------------|-------0------0------0----------------||-----7/9-----9\7---7\5---2/4------|----4----------------4----------------||----------------------------------|-3------------------------------------||--0-------------------------------|--------------------------------------|of silence and maybe they won't notice    But this|---------------------x--x--|---------0-------0--x--x-|-0-----0-------0---||-----------7-----7---x--x--|---------0-------0--x--x-|-0-----0-------0---||--------7--7-----7---x--x--|---------6-------6-------|-0-----0-------0---||-----7-----7-----7---------|-------------------------|-2-----2-------2---||---------------------------|-9-----------9-----------|-2-----------------||--8--------------8---------|-7---7-------7-----------|-0--0------0-------|time, I think it'd be better if I swim.|-------------------------|---0h2-----------|---(2)-----------------------||--3---------3---------3--|---3-------------|---(3)-----------------------||--0---------0---------0--|---2-------------|---(2)-----------------------||--2---------2---------2--|---0-------------|---(0)-----------------------||--3----3---------3-------|-----------------|-----------------------------||-------------------------|-----------------|-----------------------------|The silent man.  There lies|--0---0--0---0----0--0--0--0---|-------------------0--0---0--0-----------||--0---0--0---0----0--0--0--0---|-10--10--10--------0--0---0--0-----------||--6---6--6---6----8--8--8--8---|--9---9---9--------8--8---8--8-----------||--7---7--7---7----9--9--9--9---|--7---7---7--------7--7---7--7-----------||--7---7------7----9--9-----9---|--x---x---x--------9--9---9--9-----------||-------------------------------|--9---9---9--------7--7---7--7-----------||--4----x---x----------------------------|---0----------------------------||--5----x---x---4----x----x----2----0----|---0----------------------------||--6----x---x---4----x----x----2----2----|---1----------------------------||--6----x---x---4----x----x----2----2----|---2----------------------------||--4------------2----x----x----0----x----|---2----------------------------||-----------------------------------2----|---0----------------------------|=======================================================================h = hammeron                   p = pull offt = tap ( right hand )~ = vibratobf = bend fullrb = release benddive = dive with barx = ghost note/\ = slide* = picked harmonictr = trillp.s. = pick scrapeb = bend/step written over noteIf you have any questions mail me at  HYPERLINK "mailto:[email protected]" [email protected]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       *  ?    ?7  ?8  ?8  ?8  ?8  ?8  ?8  9  9   9  %9  ? ? ? ????????                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                0J mH	sH	 ?j    U	j    UmH	sH	     *  +  ,  P  p  q  ?  ?  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