Heavy Water - Styx A great Styx song off of the Brave New World Album Tuning: Standard Song order: Intro Verse 1 Main riff Verse 2 Bridge Chorus (partial) Verse 3 Bridge Chorus (full) Guitar solo Bridge Chorus (full) Outro E A B A* e|-0-| e|-0-| e|-0-| e|-0-| B|-0-| B|-0-| B|-0-| B|-5-| G|-1-| G|-4-| G|-6-| G|-6-| D|-2-| D|-5-| D|-7-| D|-7-| A|-2-| A|-5-| A|-7-| A|---| E|-0-| E|-0-| E|-0-| E|---| B5 A5 D Asus(TS) e|---| e|---| e|---| e|---| B|---| B|---| B|-3-| B|-3-| G|-4-| G|-2-| G|-2-| G|-2-| Suggest correction What's this? You can suggest a correction to this tab. Community and Mods will review your correction and vote to approve or reject it.