Band: Fenix Tx Song: Rooster Song Allbum: Fenix Tx Tuning: EADG Tabbed by: Nick de la Riva Email: [email protected] AIM SN: BlinkBass69 Note: I'm 100% sure these are the right riffs, but you may use your own timing. Intro/Dialogue (> means slide to the next note) G|-----------------------| D|-----------------------| A|-5555>-9999------------| E|------------3333>-5555-| Verse G|----------------| D|----------------| A|-55-------------| E|--------333-555-| Chorus G|------------------------------| D|------------------------------| A|------------------------------| E|-3----333-5----554-3----333-5-| So that's it! Email me if you have any questions or corrections. Thank you, and goodbye.