Title: Wooden Heart Artist/band: Chordettes Source of Chords: Charlie Edsel Valera For Comments/Suggestions email us @ [email protected] Verse: G# C# Can't You see, i love you D# G# please don't break my heart in two Cm G# D#7 D# G# that's not hard to do, 'cause i don't have a wooden heart G# C# And if you, say goodbye D# G# then i know, that i would cry Cm G# Baby i would die, D#7 D# G# 'cause i don't have a wooden heart G# A#m D#7 G# There's no strings, upon, this love, of mine A#m7 G# it was always you from the start G# C# Treat me nice, treat me good D# G# treat me like you really should Cm G# cause i'm not made of wood D#7 D# G# and i don't have a wooden heart G# C# Muss ich denn, muss ich denn D# G# Zu--um staerd tinle in houss Bm G# staerd tinle in houss D#7 D# G# ooooom toomweinssacht weinsstei G# A#m D#7 G# There's no strings, upon, this love, of mine A#m7 G# it was always you from the start D#7 D# G# cause I don't have a wooden hearT