

音乐人: Suede

xTabbed by: willianrm

The acoustic guitar actually has a capo on the 5th fret, if you do that, then the chords are:
Verse: Em G Em A   Em G Em D
Chorus: C   A   C  A - D - F#m  B  F#m  B D

Intro: Am C Am D (this is played fast) 
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh, ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh, check it out!

Am         C    Am       D               Am            C   Am   G
   Street life into the night with the syncopated melodies
Street life look left look right you've got lips from a magazine
Cheap sound that comes from the underground communicates to everyone
Am         C    Am       D               Am            C   Am   D (2 beats)
Street life it's alright you gets your tips from a popular song

F                               D
It's the beat of the concrete street 
            F                   D      G (2beats)
That you'll love for a million years
         Bm                        E
It's the sound that comes from underground
      Bm                                      E
that's got you clapping, got you shaking your rears
G      Am  C Am D
Street life, ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

Street life step to the mike with your sexual equality
Street life look left look right you've got the lips from a magazine
Cheap sound that comes from the underground is like a bass drum kicking along
Street life sweet life cheap life it's street life going on and on

F                           D
To the beat of the concrete street
       F                    D        G (2 beats)
you can live for a million years
    Bm                           E
The dumb sound that comes from underground
       Bm                                     E
That's got you clapping, got you shaking your rears
G       Am  C  Am  D
Street life, ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

F             C  -  G
It's all you know
F             C  -  D
It's all you see
F              C  -  G
It's all you follow
F              C  -  D   Am C Am D
It's all you believe

Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

Move your feet to the concrete beat and you can live for a million years
To the sound that comes from underground clap your hands, get shaking your rears

Street life, ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Street life, ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh


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