Title: Yer So Special Artist: Orange And Lemons Tabbed By: CHARLIE EDSEL VALERA Mga tol madali lang to . . . madali lang naman ang pag strum Meron kasi akong CD na to kaya pag nakikinig ako eh sinsabayan ko Sa pagtugtod . . . just wanna say hi to my Batch at Holy Cross Lagangilang ung mga asteeg na mga tol at mga mhal . . . Siguro mga 90% correct tong tab na basta , , , For comments/suggestions email or also invite us through friendster [email protected] or text 09214896664… Intro: DM7-Gm-Bbm 2x Verse: DM7 There is this one special day G That sent my mind in disarray F#7 Bm The girl I thought that was already lost G A DM7 Came to me when I need love most D G All the sadness and the pain subside Bm Replaced by love and happiness inside G Oh, you really can’t tell A When things will turn the way D You wan’t em to be Chorus: A Bm D Em Oh, I’ll never be lonely again F#7 G Just as long as you stand buy me now A D And everyday I’ll spend my time G A DM7 (intro) Finding out yer so special Verse: (Do cp verse) I still can recall the past When we thought our love would last Then came a day to my dismay Misunderstanding got in our way It took me a year to think it over If there was hope for me to recover Oh, I struggled so hard and really tried To keep our love alive (Repeat Chorus) G A D Yer so special G A D Yer so special G A D Yer so special G A DM7-Gm-Bb Oh, yer so special 3x