Title: Somewhere Down The Road Artist/band: Martin Nievera Source of Chords: Charlie Edsel Valera For Comments/Suggestions email us @ [email protected] C9 C/E F Dm We had the right love at the wrong ti—me guess I always knew inside I wouldn't F/G Csus F Fm C/E Am have you for a long time those dreams of yours are shining on distant shores Am Dm C/E F/G And if they're calling you away I have no right to make you stay but Chorus C9 F somewhere down the road our roads are gonna cross again It Dm F/G G C9 C doesn't really matter when but somewhere down the ro—ad I F C/E F G know that heart of yo--urs will come to s--e---e that Dm C/E F/G G C7 you belong with me C9 C/E F Dm Sometimes goodbyes are not forever It doesn't matter if you're gone Dm F/G G C Fm C/E Am I still believe in us together I understand more than you th--ink I can Am Dm C/E F/G You have to go out on your own so you can find your way back homeChorusBridge Ab Bb C Dm C/E Fm7 Bb Gm7 Dm7 Letting go Is just another way to say I’ll alw---ays love you so C9 C/E F C/E We had the right love at the wrong ti--me C/E Dm C/E F/G Maybe we've only just begun maybe the best is yet to come Cause