xe -------------------------------------------------------------| b -------------------------------------------------------------| g ----------------------------------------------------7s99-----| \ d -----------------------000--000---------------------X-XX-----| 2 times a --12/---4---4-4h5---2~-000--000---2~--2--2h4---0----5s77-----| / d 0-----0---0-------0----000--000-0---0--------0----0----------| pm pm pm pm pmpm pm pm pm pm pm pm Then the 2nd part is this, it changes to the octave chords in staid of the single notes. e --------------------------------------------------------------| b --------------------------------------------------------------| g ---6---66s7-------------------4-4-6----2---7-99---------------| \ d ---X---XX-X-----000--000------X-X-X----X---x-xx---------------| 2 times a ---4---44s5--2~-000--000---2~-2-2s4----0---5s77---------------| / d -0---0-----0----000--000-0---0-------0---0--------------------| pm pm pm pmpmpmpm pm pm pm ~=vibrato h=hammer on s=slide pm=palm mute well thats it for the intro, these guys are a good band that need more exposure ps check this tab out and tab the whole song, i got started but i want other people to finish it me :]