歌手头像-Jono McCleery

Darkest Light

音乐人: Jono McCleery

This is a great, simple song from Jono McCleery, if you haven't heard him you may want 
look him up.

The whole song is played Capo 3:

Thinking 2/4 time:
1bar  1bar   1bar   1bar
E     F#m    C#m    C#m pull off and hammer on finger holding G string

All chords for 1 line each

Singing these words:

You  have been,
So strong in my mind today.
That who I love,
Stands in my way.

Keeps me from trying,
Who am I to say?
My love is dying,
To be on your way.

Why am I always
Drawn to the darkest light?
Seems that I,
I believe I can help but try.

Let me see,
The lines upon your face.
Invite me in,
To dance in your darkest place,
To dance in your darkest place,
To dance in your darkest place,
Can we dance in your darkest place?

Ooo ooo ooo, oooo ooooo, duh duh duh, duh duh duh, (in time with hammer-ons) X4

End on C#m

It can obviously also be played no capo G, Am, Em and hammer there, but it is less 
I feel, and this is how it was wrote.



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