---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tired of waiting for you - Green day ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tabbed by:Ash Ingham Email:[email protected] Tuning: Standard (E A D G B E) Guitar 1 (lead)-Clean Guitar 2 (ryhtm)-Moderate Distortion Key: /-slide down \-slide up ~-let note ring Intro-Guitar 1: F# E e------------------| x2 B-------2-----1----| G--------3-----0---| D-----4------2-----| A------------------| E---/2------0------| Guitar 2 at 0:01 e----------------| x2 (then bass and drums come in) B----------------| G----------------| D---2/-4--\4-2---| A---2/-4--\4-2---| E---0/-2--\2-0---| Verse Guitar 1 at 0:04 F# E e------------------| x12 B-------2-----1----| G--------3-----0---| D-----4------2-----| A------------------| E---/2------0------| Verse Guitar 2 at 0:04 e----------------| B----------------| G----------------| D---/-4--\4-2-2--| A---/-4--\4-2-2--| E---/-2--\2-0-0--| Pre-Chorus Guitars 1 and 2 at 0:26 (for the pre-chorus Guitar 1 plays e----------------| Barre chords) B----------------| x4 G----------------| D---2--4--2--4---| A---2--4--2--4---| E---0--2--0--2---| 0:34 e-------| B-------| G-------| D---222-| A---222-| E---000-| 0:35 e----------------| x4 B----------------| G------6-----6---| D---4--6--4--6---| A---4--4--4--4---| E---2-----2------| 0:41 e---------| B---------| (over drum fill) G---------| D---4~~~~-| A---4~~~~-| E---2~~~~-| Chorus Guitars 1 and 2 at 0:43 F# A#m E5 G#5 e---2~~~-6~~~-----------| B---2~~~-6~~~------6~~~-| G---3~~~-6~~~------6~~~-| D---4~~~-8~~~-2~~~-6~~~-| A---4~~~-8~~~-2~~~-4~~~-| E---2~~~-6~~~-0~~~------| Repeat F# and A#m, then...(0:55) E5 G#5 e---------------------| B---------------------| G------------66666666-| D---22222222-66666666-| A---22222222-44444444-| E---00000000----------| 2nd Verse at 1:03 2nd Pre-Chorus at 1:23 2nd Chorus at 1:38 Guitar 1 Fill at 1:45 G#5 e---------| B------6--| G---6-6---| D---------| A---------| E---------| 3rd Verse at 1:58 (Guitar 1 doesn't play lead) Guitar 2 Variation F#5 E5 e------------| B------------| G------------| D---444-2222-| A---444-2222-| E---222-0000-| End F#5 e-----------| B-----------| G-----------| D---4~~~~---| A---4~~~~---| E---2~~~~---| That's it. | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note ============================================================================