歌手头像-Toby Keith

Burning Moonlight

音乐人: Toby Keith

Toby Keith: BURNING MOONLIGHT album: Big Dog Daddy
Chords Used:
D  G  C  Em  A C Bm
(1-st Verse)
D                G                   Bm          D
Needle says the gas was low Three dollars in my pocket 
Bm              A          G                   D
beauty got the best of me she didn't try to stop it.
                        G                        D+F#  G
on a deadend road nobody knows a thing about the meet park 
               A            G                       D                   
that old  Ford pickup truck underneath that cypress tree

1-st Chorus:     3  5 5  
         Em   G  G- A A            C   D   
Turning midnight burning the moonlight

2nd And third Chorus:
         Em G    F- A A      C   D    D    Bm                A  
turning midnight buning the moonlight Girl I still feel the same
           Bm                A                   Em   G    Em
 about you I can't spend the night with out you  You still move
 G          Em  G                 C   D  
 me turning midnight burning the moonlight.
(2-nd Verse)
D                       G                  D                   Bm       
I was up and runing my fingers through her hair you could have cut 
            G                                      D 
the passion with a knife in that southern midnight air. I kissed her
                G                D+F#             Bm        G
 sweet on  that pickup seat my blue jeans hit the floor her body 
                       D+F#                        G 
heat  and my cold bear feet pressed up against the door.
2-nd Chorus:
(3-rd Verse)
D                G                      A        D+F#       
It happend fast just like that it didnt take us long like smoke
                A                        G                    D    
 rings off my ciggerettes our innosence was gone. I wanted to
                               D+F#                G       A
say somthing but I buttend up instead she sat there and 
Bm                G                D
brushed her hair smile was all she said.

3-rd Chorus:



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