x#-----------------------------PLEASE NOTE-------------------------------------# #This OLGA file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation # #of the song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or # #research. Remember to view this file in Courier, or some other monospaced # #font. See http://www.olga.net/faq/ for more information. # #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# From: scuw5@central.susx.ac.uk (Jonathan Eyre) Subject: m/my_bloody_valentine/soon.crd 'Soon' by My Bloody Valentine (K.Shields) TAB by Jon Eyre, scuw5@central.sussex.ac.uk DISCLAIMER: This is by no means perfect... To achieve a sound similar to that on 'Loveless', take the following tab, add an Akai S9000 sampler, a load of compression, reverb and sundry other effects, drums, bass, vocals, mix it in a pot, garnish lightly with overdubs and and cook for 40 minutes at gas mark 6... SOON =-=- VERSE The basic riff, which appears in the intro, and I suppose ought to be called the verse: D-4--4--4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4- A-4--4--4-4-4-4-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2- Repeat for a bit E-2--2--2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2- CHORUS By process of elimination, this bit must be the chorus. It's the bit with vocals over the top of chord changes: F#sus2 Esus2 F# Asus2 Bsus2 E F# Esus2 F#sus2 Esus2 F# e----------------2----0-----2----0---2--------------------2-- B-----9-----7----2----0-----2----0---2---7-----9-----7----2-- Back G-----11----9----3----2-----4----1---3---9-----11----9----3-- Into D-----11----9----4----2-----4----2---4---9-----11----9----4-- The A-----9-----7----4----0-----2----2---4---7-----9-----7----4-- Basic E-----9-----7----2---------------0---2---7-----9-----7----2-- Riff THE NOODLY FLUTE LINE BIT Which isn't actually a flute, but either a sampled guitar or voice... e-----9----11-------9---11-11- B--11---11----11-11---11------ Make of that what you will. If anyone out there has *ANY* MBV tab, puhhh-leeea-ssse-eeee send me a copy. Cheers. JOn