im actually a bass player so this may be off a litttle Intro oh stacey look what youve done E|75-777578732----------------------------7577757878 B|75-777578732----------------------------7577757878 Verse chords Gtr 2 riffs |---------| |----------|----------|----------|----------| |---------| |----6-----|----6-----|saxophone-|----6-----| |---------| |7755-754~~|7755-758~~|----------|7755-754~~| |11--9----| |11--9----| |9 --7----| Chorus(made her father worry...) |9779-9779-9779-9779-9779-9779----| Suggest correction What's this? You can suggest a correction to this tab. Community and Mods will review your correction and vote to approve or reject it.