"Deliver me" (written by Eric Bazilian and Bob Hyman) from "zig zag"-album by The Hooters Tabbed by Bonjek (Magnus Bornhorst) mailto:[email protected] I´ve seen The Hooters last week on a warm but rainy friday in Osnabrück, Germany. This "deliver me" like I´ve seen it on this rainy friday. The Hooters played in a break of the "Private emotion" as acoustic version before returning to the main song. Chords: G 3 Bm7 2 Cadd9 0 D 2 3 3 3 3 0 2 0 2 0 4 2 2 2 2 3 x 3 x x x This part is played in the intro and also played in the verse. Repeat until the chorus: E -----3----2-----0----------------------------------------------0--| H -----3-------------3----3--------3--------3-------------3---------| G ----------------------0--------- -0--------0----------0-----------| D ------------------------------------------------------------------| A -----------2----3---------------------2----------3----------------| E -----3------------------------3-----------------------------------| Verse: "Zig, zag......." Chorus: e -----2----2------3p2------------------------2----2------3p2--------------------0--| H -----3--------3--------3------ 3-------------3--------3--------3------------3 ----| G -----2----------- 2-------0--- 0-------------2----------- 2-------0------0--------| D -----0------------------------ 2-------------0------------------------------------| A -------------------------------3---------------------------------------3----------| E ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Chorus: "Oh, how I needed you tonight...." e ------------------------------------0--- 2--2p3----3--------------0--------------------------------| H ----------3--------3-----------3--------3----------3---------3---------2---------------------------| G ----------0--------0--------0-----------2----------0---------0--- 0----3----let ring---------------| D -----------------------------------------0-------------------------2---- 0--- and go to main riff--| A ---------------2--------3-------------------------------------3------------------------------------| E -----3----------------------------------------------3----------------------------------------------| After the first chorus I play full chords with using the bass line as described. It sounds really great. That´s it! And if you have the chance to see The Hooters live, don´t miss it. The are a really great performing live-band, playing all the great songs like "Jonny B, Karla with K, Day by day, 500 miles and so on...."