歌手头像-John Frusciante

Past Recedes

音乐人: John Frusciante

Artist: John Frusciante
Song: The past recedes
Album: Curtains


G D Am Em (play this 3 times)
G D Am


  G  D  Am Em    
And then the past recedes
G D Am Em
And I won't be involved
G D Am Em
The effort to be free
G D Am Em
Seems pointless from above
G D Am Em
Yor're looking down at' me
G D Am Em
I'd rather stay below
G D Am Em
Than have you staring up at me
G D                      Am   B
Theres nowhere I want to goooooooo

 C        D7              Em             D
Ay, this business of how long we try to stay alive
C      D7                   Em 
Why to be here you've first got to die
So I gave it a try
    C           G  
And what do you know
            Am      D7
Time was so long ago
G D Am Em
And thinks come back you see
G D Am Em
To where they don't belong
G D Am Em
And every drop of sea 
G D                     Am   B
Is the whole ocean      oooooooohhh 
  C           D7
I lied to the greatest thieves
      Em           D   
About anything and everything
C     D7           Em
I'm a figure of forgotten speech
I'm our of reach 
C               G 
I can't play it safe
            Am          D7 
But I might just in case

[Here John plays a solo] 
 C    D7            Em
I'm disguised as a reaching hand
I'm working man
  C         D7 
I dont understand why clockout
Em            D
Comes so slow every time
       C          G            Am
That's one line I stay right behind
       C          G            Am    B
That's one line I stay right behind


G D Am Em (3 times)
G D Am B  G


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