cky Rio Bravo. Tabbed by John Houx([email protected]) Rio Bravo Tab by John Houx ([email protected]) Listening to the live version of this song made it so much easier to figure out because when they played it live they were only tuned down 1/2 step. If you have any comments or correstions, please email me. Tuned down one whole step (low to high: DGCFAD) Intro/Main Progression ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ----8-----8-----8------8-8---8-----8-----8----8-8 ----7-----7-----7------7-7---7-----7-----7----7-7 -0-----0-----0------------0-----0-----0---------- ^ Hit quickly Main Riff ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ----8----9-8-7-----------5---------------------------------- ----7-----------7--5-6-7----------9-8-7----------5---------- -0-----0---------------------0----------0--5-6-7---7-6-5-3-0 Play 3 times and on 3rd time end with -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------5---------------5----- ---9-8-7----------5---------5-6-7-----------5-6-7------- ---------0--5-6-7---7-6-5-3---------7-6-5-3---------0--- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------5--------------- ---9-8-7----------5---------5-6-7-----------5-6-7- ---------0--5-6-7---7-6-5-3---------7-6-5-3------- Play Main Progression over verse I've seen it done like the way the dogs do I'll think it over, we're standing into Your phony life but now it's all dry can't take it you will see Not more than others....your phony life Like I don't hear them, but I'll tell you something else When we get to the desert it's out ---Play Main Riff over chorus--- What we left in the tears me up Bridge ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------6--6 -7----------------------7-----------------7--7 -------7--10-6-----5--3------7--10-6-----0--0- What we left in the tears me up Pulled into a truck luck is over The plan is failing....I think not Then just let an E power chord ring over the bass line that comes in ---- ---- ---- -2-- -2-- -0-- Then with the lower strings... --------- --------- --------- --------- -5--5-4-2 -3--3-2-0 Come back in with chorus "What we left in the tears me up" Then a new verse It's not what you're used to in the middle of nowhere I'm an old man I love to wander distantly Your phony life and now it's all dry If you think that I had myself controlled (throw in the bridge riff here) That's a lie End on an E power chord :: Ultimate Guitar Archive ::