
Hate Street Dialogue

音乐人: Rodriguez

Artist: Rodriguez
Album: Cold Fact
Song: Hate Street Dialogue

[Intro] Dm F G Bb A - Dm (continue)

[Verse 1]
Dm                         F
  Woman please be gone
              G               Bb           A
You've stayed here much too long
Dm                     F
   Don't you wish that you could cry
G                    Bb           A
Don't you wish I would die

Dm                        F
   Seamy, seesaw kids
G                  Bb        A
Childwoman on the skids
         Dm                        F
The dust will choke you blind
        G          Bb             A
The lust will choke your mind

Dm (1 chord for chorus)
    I kiss the floor, one kick no more
    The pig and hose have set me free
    I've tasted hate street's hanging tree
    I've tasted hate street's hanging tree

[Verse 2]
Dm                      F
    The inner city birthed me
G                         Bb     A
The local pusher nursed me
Dm                      F
   Cousins make it in the street
G                   Bb          A
Marry every trick they meet
     Dm                          F
A dime a dollar they're all the same
             G                        Bb          A
When a man comes in to bust your game
         Dm                        F
The Turn key comes his face a grin
G                        Bb   A
Locks the cell I'm in again

Dm (1 chord for chorus)
    I kiss the floor, one kick no more
    The pig and hose have set me free
    I've tasted hate street's hanging tree
    I've tasted hate street's hanging tree


Sorry if there's any mistakes, but I think it's sort of right!
BTW, if anyone has any other Rodriguez tabs/bass/chords, I would really
appreciate it if you could send them!!


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