10 Million Slaves Otis Taylor Recapturing the Banjo As I'm sure is painfully obvious from both the song and the album title, this is played a banjo. Admittedly, a pretty kick-ass sounding one, but a banjo nonetheless. Therefore, not quite played on guitar as naturally as one would like, but it's pretty easy once you the hang of it. And it's an awesome sounding song. [Main Riff] G F e|-3-3-x-3-------------3-3-x-3-------------1-1-x-1-----------3-3-x-3------------|| B|-3-3-x-3------1------3-3-x-3------1------1-1-x-1-----------3-3-x-3------1-----|| G|-0-0-x-0--0h3---3p0--0-0-x-0--0h3---3p0--2-2-x-2----2p0----0-0-x-0--0h3---3p0-|| D|-----------------------------------------3-3-x-3--3-----3---------------------|| A|------------------------------------------------------------------------------|| E|------------------------------------------------------------------------------|| That's it. I couldn't imagine anyone wanting the little doodling in the beginning tabbed Enjoy! ************************************ | x Dead note | h Hammer-on | p Pull-off ************************************