歌手头像-Benjamin Francis Leftwich

Stole You Away

音乐人: Benjamin Francis Leftwich

[Intro] (x2)
Em D C C 

Em D C C (transitional D)
you play this through out the verse before the chorus begins
There was a boat in the sea I knew 
Couldn't believe what I saw was true 
I swam out through the waves 
Caught it as it moved away 

C Em D D 
you play this through out the chorus
Said I stole you 
Said I stole you away 
Next time I steal you away 
Next time I steal you darlin will ya stay 

Em D C C (transitional D)
you play this through out the verse before the chorus begins
There was a change in the way you breathed 
Couldn't believe you ahd changed for me 
And if you hear the sound of shooting stars protect your heart 
Coz it burns back and turns back around 

C Em D D 
you play this through out the chorus
Said I stole you 
Said I stole you away 
Next time I steal you away 
Next time I steal you darlin will ya stay 

Em D G G
you play this through out the bridge
I strum love of your soul 
Coz I'm covered by believing by the things you see 
He spent so long running but there's nothing coming 
Turn around and run into me 

Chorus: C Em D D 
you play this through out the chorus

Said I stole you 
Said I stole you away 
Next time I steal you away 
Next time I steal you darlin will ya stay 


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