------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EVERYTHING I EVER WANTED TO KNOW - Broadways ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tabbed by: Aaron Sheridan Email: [email protected] Tuning: Standard Here are the main chord progressions that make up the song. I got lazy and didnt add the number of strums, but I think you'll be able to tackle the song without them. "Third Graders holding hands..." e|------------------------| B|------------------------| G|--------4-----9--6--9---| D|--2-----4-----9--6--9--7| A|--2-----2-----7--4--7--7| (2x. Second Time throw in some rapid palm mutes) E|--0--------------------5| "Now I can't beleive we celebrate thanksgiving.." e|---------| B|---------| G|--6--9---| D|--6--9--7| A|--4--7--7| (2x) E|--------5| "If I had my way..." e|---------------------------| B|---------------------------| G|--9--6--4--2--------9--4--2| D|--9--6--4--2--------9--4--2| A|--7--4--2--0--------7--2--0| E|---------------------------| "Genocide is nothing to celebrate..." e|---------------------| B|---------------------| G|--------2-----6--4--2| D|--2-----2-----6--4--2| A|--2-----0-----4--2--0| (4x) E|--0------------------| "Now I go to college and you know what I learned.." e|------------------------------------------------| B|------------------------------------------------| G|-----4-----2--6--4--2--------4-----2-----4--6--2| D|--2--4--2--2--6--4--2-----2--4--2--2--2--4--6--2| A|--2--2--2--0--4--2--0-----2--2--2--0--2--2--4--0| E|--0-----0-----------------0-----0-----0---------| "The last full blooded aborigine.." e|---------| B|---------| G|--2--4---| D|--2--4--2| A|--0--2--2| (4x) E|--------0| Chord progressions are in this order: "Third Graders Holding Hands..." "Now I cant beleive.." "If I had my way..." "Genocide is nothing..." "Now I cant beleive..." "If I had my way..." "Now, I go to college.." "The last full blooded..." The last 8 chords of "Now I go to college.." "The last full blooded..." ************************************ | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note | b Bend | pb Pre-bend | br Bend release | pbr Pre-bend release | brb Bend release bend ************************************