SOMEBODY GET ME A DOCTOR Van Halen II tabbed by Carl Gustafsson [email protected] The other tab for this song on OLGA was too incomplete for me not to tab this one.I dont even think he did the right song.oh well. p=palm h=harm /&\=slide intro thingee ------------------------------------------| 3-----3-----3--------3-----3--------------| 0-----0-----2--------0-----0-----2--------| 0-----------0--------0-----------0--------| ------3--------------------3-----0-----2--| 3--------------------3-----------------0--| this next part is the main riff,also done during the chorus. p p p p p ------------------------------------------3--2-----| ------------------------------------1-----3--3-----| ------------2--2--2-----0--2~~~-----0-----2--2-----| ------------2--2--2-----0--2-----2--0--------------| 3-----0--------------------------------0-----------| ------------------------------------------------12\| now the verses. "You better.." h h h h h h h h h h h h -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9-----9--9-----------------10-----10--------------9-----9--9--------------10---- 9-----9--9-----------------10-----10--------------9-----9--9--------------10---- 9-----9--9-----------------10-----10--------------7-----7--7--------------10---- 7-----7--7-----------------8------8---------------7-----7--7--------------8----- 0-----0--0--7--7--7--7----------------7--7--7--7--------------7--7--7--7-------- ---------------| ---10--10------| ---10--10------| ---10--10------| ---8---8---x\--| -----------h13\| and its pretty much the same throughout,until. "And im speedin.." --------------------------------------------------------------|----------------- 11-----11-----------------------12--x-----12------------------|----------------- 11-----11-----------------------12--------12------------------|----------------- 11-----11-----------------------12--------12------------------|----------------- 9------9------------------------10--------10--------12--12--1\|----------------- -----------0-----0--0--0--0--0----------------------12--12--12|----------------- now,that thing before the solo that ROCKS. v (volume swell.) --------------------------------------| ------5-----------7h5--------------5--| ------5-----------7h5--------------5--| ---------7--x--x-------7~~~--------5--| 0--0-------------------------0--0-----| --------------------------------------| and thats pretty much it,besides the solo,but i usually add my own solos, i usually have what ed did in my head and improvise on it. also,at the end,when ed is doing the main riff,he ends with: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------[2--4--2--0--4--2--0--4--2--0--4--2--0--4--2--0--4]----x/--[2--4----- ---------2---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3--0--0------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------|------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------|------------------------------ 0--4--2--0--4--2--0--4--2-----0--4--2--0]--------|------------------------------ -------------------------------------------/7----|------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------|------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------/15\|------------------------------ which is done by gliding down the 6th string w/side of right hand (light- ly touching it) while hammering on/pulling off w/left hand,which sounds random harmonics and muted notes. From: [email protected] (Edward Sulikoswki) Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 07:41:41 -0400 Subject: Somebody Get Me a Doctor[Partial] think its off of VH. #1 Set your guitar to 1/2 step down[Not sure,But it's the way its' done here] may not be note for note either.I make no claims to being a jam-master or something.Have some distortion,turn the amp up and have a -go[dont get evic- -ted though]. E B S G 4 L 6 11 10 D 5 I 7 11 10 A 3^ 0 5 D 7 7 0 9 8 E 3 3 3* 3 E 5 ^ Bend a little * muting above fret's[l.h.] *=vib e------------------------------------------------------------------------ b 2------------------------------- 2 ------------- g 2 4 5---------------------- 2 4----------- d 2 4 sl.5 *------- 2 4----------- a 0 2 3 3 2-------- 0 2----------- e----------------- 0 2 3-----------------------0[Dive Trem.] Off of Van Halen's First continuing..Like where I left off? 1/2 step down amp warmed up fingers warmed up gear[dist?]in tune?go... e & & @ @ @ @ & & @ @ @ @ & & b * * 10 10 11 11 12 12 g 9 9 10 10 9 9 9 9 11 11 9 9 9 9 12 12 d 9 9 10 10 9 9 9 9 11 11 9 9 9 9 12 12 a 7 7 0 0 7 7 7 7 0 0 7 7 7 7 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [hold] * mute the E a little but let ring open. @ mute the whole thing both hands kinda. & little bit o'vibrato. e b slide 5 6sl.5 0 2 22 g [hold] down to 2 2 5 0 6sl.5 0 2 22 d still A 2 2 5 0 6sl.5 0 2 22 a holding 0 0 0 0 0 00 e use volume swell's and fast clean attack now. I think you dont need my guidance to do what comes next.Go with the flow! Love that Eddie and I'll see to suggestions or corrections. To all that bitch...just[if not at olga] post what you know Somebody will enjoy it. EDWARD