歌手头像-Miles Kane

Out Of Control

音乐人: Miles Kane

miles kane out of control

intro: F  G
C                                  AM
if you dream about the end of our story
     EM                             F
well see our names carved into the stone
C              G      DM
your taking me on a journey 
EM           F        G
into the unknown
C                                 AM
listening to the thoughts only break in
     EM                        F
the siren singing songs in my head
  C             G    DM
your taking me on a journey
EM         F        FM
into the unknown
       C          AM      EM      F
when i feel her touch i believe love
 G                            AM
love is not a drug thats for certain
            F                        FM
rock as we roll, rev the engines and go
lets get out of control
  C               AM
well im falling apart
    EM                           F
and im lost in this world on my own
  C                    G            DM
i know that theres a place in your heart
   EM            F        G
that i can call home
C                                 AM
and i dream of you girl in this story
        EM                            F
and it feels just like it did at the start
C                    G            DM
there'll never be an end to our journey
  EM         F        FM
unless were apart
        C         AM      EM      F
when i feel her touch i believe love
G                             AM
love is not a drug thats for certain
            F                        FM
rock as we roll, rev the engines and go
lets get out of control

......la la la la
......la la la la
        C        AM      EM      F
when i feel her touch i believe love
G                              AM
love is not a drug thats for cer-tain
            F                        FM
rock as we roll, rev the engines and go
lets get out of control


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