歌手头像-My Dying Bride

A Cruel Taste Of Winter

音乐人: My Dying Bride

                           M Y   D Y I N G   B R I D E


                   A   C R U E L   T A S T E   O F   W I N T E R

                                THE DREADFUL HOURS
                          (c) Peaceville  Records (2001)

                              Tune Down 1 & 1/2 Steps
                                  C# F# B E G# C#

                                  Tempo = 64 BPM
                               Time Signature = 4/4

                                 Transcribed by

                                 PADDY MCMULLAN
                           pmtabs (@t) gmail [dot] com

                                   Version 1.0
                                7th November 2010

                             Tablature Symbols Used:

 ...          -  Palm Mute
 p            -  Pull-Off
 h            -  Hammer-On
 \            -  Slide Down to/Down From
 /            -  Slide Up To/Up From
 ( )          -  Ghost Note/Tied Note/Implied Note
 REST         -  Rest and sustain rest for duration of blank space
 |____[1,2,3] -  Alternative Endings
 *            -  Staccato Note (Bring the indicated note to an abrupt stop)
 7b8r7        -  Bend and Release
 |_3_|        -  Triplet Notes

Part 1: Guitars 1 & 2 with Distortion (Play 4 times)      [ Time 00:00 - 00:30 ]

||---------------------------|---------------------------| |
||---------------------------|---------------------------| |
||--2 /7---7-------7---7-----|----10---10-----9----9-----| |
||--0------0-----8-----8-----|--7------7---0--7----7-----| |

Allow the notes on the low-E string to bleed into the notes in the A-string

Part 2: Guitars 1 & 2 (Play twice)                        [ Time 00:30 - 00:45 ]

Guitar 1:

||------------------------------|---------------------------| |
||------------------------------|---------------------------| |
||--7---------------------------|------------------------5--| |
||--5-----(5/7)-8h10-8----8h10--|--7h8-7----7h8-5h7-5----3--| |

|----------------------10\  --||
|--7h8-7----7h8-5h7-5--10\  --||

Guitar 2:

||----------------------------|----------------------------| |
||----------------------------|----------------------------| |
||--7-----(3/5)-7h8-7----7h8\ |--5h7-5----5h7\ 3h5-3----5--| |
||--5-------------------------|-------------------------3--| |

|--5h7-5----5h7-(8\7)-7--8\  --||
|------------------------8\  --||

Repeat Part 1 four times with the following variations    [ Time 00:45 - 01:16 ]

On the last repeat guitar 2 replaces the last two bars with the following:

Guitar 2:


Repeat Part 2 four times with the following variations    [ Time 01:16 - 01:45 ]

Guitar 2:

Bar 4 variation:

|--5h7-5----5h7-(8\7)-7-- \--5--|

Bar 8 variation:

|--5h7-5----5h7-(8\7)-(7  b8r7)-7--||

Part 3: Guitars 1 & 2 (Play once)                         [ Time 01:45 - 02:00 ]

Guitar 1:

||-----R--           --|--               --|--               --|
||-----E--           --|--               --|--               --|
||-----S--           --|--               --|--               --|
||--2--T--           --|--               --|--               --|

|--       ------------||
|--       ------------||
|--       ------------||
|--       --5----4----||

Guitar 2 :

||--10p7---7--7----(9  b10r9)-9--|----5---5--(5/7)-7h9h10p7h10p9p7h9-|

|--10p7---7--7----(9  b10r9)-9--|----5---5--(5/10)-10----9--9-----||

Part 4: Guitars 1, 2 & 3 (Repeats outlined below)         [ Time 02:00 - 02:46 ]

Guitar 1:

                      |_______________[1 - 11]
||--------------------|--------------------| |
||--------------------|--------------------| |
||--5--------4--------|--------------------|*| x 12
||--3--------2--------|--5--------4--------| |
||--3--------2--------|--3--------2--------| |

   |__3__|  |__3__|  |__3__|  |__3__|

Guitar 2:

||--10p7---7--7----(9  b10r9)-9--|----5---5--(5/7)-7h9h10p7h10p9p7h9-|

|-------------------------------|------------------(12  / 14)-14----|
|--10p7---7--7----(9  b10r9)-9--|----5---5--(5/10)-(10  / 12)-12----|



|-------------------------------------|-----------------------(12  / 14)-14----|
|--10p7-7-7-7-7-7-7-(5/9)-9-9-9-9-9-9-|--(2/5)-5-5-5-5-(5/10)-(10  / 12)-12----|


   |__3__|  |__3__|  |__3__|  |__3__|

Guitar 3: with Distortion

Rest for 4 bars before joining in




Repeat Part 1 four times with variations                  [ Time 02:46 - 03:15 ]

Repeat Part 2 four times with variations                  [ Time 03:15 - 03:45 ]

Part 5: Guitars 1 & 2 (Repeats outlined below)            [ Time 03:45 - 04:45 ]

Riff 1:


|----------------------------| |
|----------------------------| |
|----------------------------|*| x 4
|--3-2-2-----2-0-2-5----3----| |
|----0-0---3-------3----1----| |

Riff 2:

||----------------------------------|----------------------------| |
||----------------------------------|----------------------------| |
||----------------------------------|----------------------------|*| x 2
||------------2-0-2-----------2-0-2-|--3---------2-0-2-5----3----| |
||--3-0-0---3-------3-0-0---3-------|----0-0---3-------3----1----| |

Repeat Riff 1 two times, replacing the last bar with the following:

Note the slight variation in the last chord


Repeat Part 1 four times with the following Variations [ Time 04:45 - 05:16 ]

Guitar 1: Replace the last two bars with the following:


Repeat Part 2 four times with the following variations    [ Time 05:16 - 05:46 ]

Guitar 2:

Bar 5 variation:

|--3------(3/5)-7h8-7----7h8\ |

Repeat Part 4, replacing the last bar with the following  [ Time 05:46 - 06:31 ]

   |__3__|  |__3__|  |__3__|  |__3__|

Part 6: Repeat Riffs 1 & 2 of Part 5 then play the following  [Time 06:32 - End]

||--------------------------|------------------------| |
||---------R- ---------R- --|---------R- ------------| |
||---------E- ---------E- --|---------E- ------------|*|
||---------S- ---------S- --|---------S- ------------|*| x 2
||--5-2-2--T- --5-2-2--T- --|--5-2-2--T- --5----3----| |
||--3-0-0-------3-0-0-------|--3-0-0-------3----1----| |
    .....       .....          .....

Note the slight variation in the last chord of the second ending:

|---------R- ------------||
|---------E- ------------||
|---------S- ------------||
|--5-2-2--T- --5----3----||

|---------R--         --||
|---------E--         --||
|---------S--         --||
|--5-2-2--T--         --||


Tab summary:        Part 1 x 4
                    Part 2 x 2
                    Part 1 x 4
                    Part 2 x 4
                    Part 3 x 1
                    Part 4 x 12
                    Part 1 x 4
                    Part 2 x 4
                    Part 5 x 1
                    Part 1 x 4
                    Part 2 x 4
                    Part 4 x 12
                    Part 6 x 1



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