[code] Pay Attention The Wood Brothers This song is in the key of C major and is 3/4 time. He uses pretty standard chord voicings. The only one that might be foreign to some would be the Gm9 which is played like this: E|--5--| B|--3--| G|--3--| D|--5--| A|--5--| E|--3--| I usually play it without the root but that’s just my preference. Not sure how Oliver plays it each time through. Anyhow, here’s the song... Intro: 3/4 || C | C | Am | G | F | | Bb | Am | G | G || (Listen to CD for proper strumming and timing) VERSE: C F C G Please pay attention to me C Gm9 Was the last thing I heard as I drifted to sleep F C With children to tend to F C and a worrying mind F C With too much to do Gm9 and not enough time CHORUS: F C I hate to be needy F C Selfish and greedy Am F C But please pay attention to me BREAK: (same as intro - “Me” is on the C chord of this break) ..Me 3/4 || C | C | Am | G | F | | Bb | Am | G | G || VERSE 2: (same chords as first verse) C F C G Please pay attention to me C Gm9 Was the last thing I heard comin’ out of my dream F C I got something to tell you F C And the sun has gone down F C And if you don’t listen Gm9 Gm I’ll talk much too loud CHORUS: (Same as 1st chorus) F C I hate to be Needy F C Selfish and greedy Am F C G But please pay attention to me BRIDGE: Am C Why don’t you look my way Am Gm I’m waving my arms and callin’ your name F C There’s too much to mention F C That grabs your attention Am F C So please pay attention to me HARMONICA SOLO: (starts on C on the word “me” from the chorus) ..Me 3/4 || C | F | C | G | C | | Gm | Gm | F | C | F | C F | C | G | G || BRIDGE 2: Am C I Guess I could cut myself free Am Gm And why should I care if you listen to me F C With children to tend to F C And a worrying mind F C With too much to do Gm9 Gm And not enough time OUTRO CHORUS: F C I hate to be needy F C Selfish and greedy F C I hate to keep asking F C Beggin’ and pleadin’. F C I’m down on my knees F C Under your window screamin’ Am F C G Please pay attention to me Am F C G Please pay attention to me Am F C Yeah, please pay attention to me... That’s it. Let me know if you have something different (and make sure you’re tuned properly before submitting this a half step higher or lower! haha) [email protected] [/code]