Lenny's Guitar is tuned down half-step Chords (from low to high) Fmaj7 xx3210 Fadd9 xx3213 C x30210 Esus4 532x00 or x02x00 (almost the same but easier; I use it in the tab) G 320033 G7sus4 1x0011 (he just slides down 2 frets the G chord) Intro (x5) Fmaj7 C (transition) |---------0-0---3-3-3--0-0-0-----0------0-0---------0-0-0-0-| |---------1-1---1-1-1--1-1-1-----1------1-1---------0-1-0-1-| |---------2-2---2-2-2--2-2-0--0--0------0-0---------2-2-2-2-| |-0-2-3---3-3---3-3-3--3-3-2--2--2------2-2---------3-3-3-3-| |--------------------------3--3------3-------3--3-----------| |-----------------------------------------------------------| Esus4 |-----0----0--0----0--0--0----x--0--------0-----0------0-0-| |-----0----0--0----0--0--0----x--0--------0-----0------0-0-| |-x---x----x--x----x--x--x----x--x--------x-----x------x-x-| |-2---2----2--2----2--2--2----x--2--------2-----2------2-2-| |-0---0-------0---------------x--------0--0--------0-0-----| |-x---x-------x---------------------------x----------------| This Fmaj7 C Esus4 progression is played 5 times. On the 2nd and 4th times he plays differently the C to Esus4 chord transition: 2nd Time play Esus4 normally e------------------|-----0---| B--0h1-0h1-0h1-0h1-|-----0---| G------------------|-x---x---| D------------------|-2---2---| A------------------|-0---0---| E------------------|-x---x---| 4nd Time play Esus4 normally e---------------------|-----0---| B---------------------|-----0---| G---------------------|-x---x---| D-0h2-0h2-0h2-0-------|-2---2---| A---------------3-2-0-|-0---0---| E---------------------|-x---x---| On "And he stole you're only heart" play: G G7sus4 Esus4 Then: G Esus4 G(just single strum) Now repeat all over again. Bridge Chord Progresson on "If they knock on your door.." (All barre chords; F and C at the 8th fret; A on the 5th) F C G A F C G G (X2) End repeating Esus4 Fmaj7. Other C to Esus4 transition: strum once and slide up and down play Esus4 normally e--0--3-3---3/5\---|-----0---| B--1--1-1---1/3\---|-----0---| G--0--0-0---0------|-x---x---| D--2--2-2---2/4\---|-2---2---| A--3--3-3---3/5\---|-0---0---| E------------------|-x---x---| Finally a C to G transition: C G to G7sus4 and to Esus4 e--0--0-0----------|-3---3---| B--1--1-1----------|-3---3---| G--0--0-0----------|-0---0---| D--2--2-2----------|-0---0---| A--3--3-3--3-2-0---|-2---2---| E----------------3-|-3---3---| You can play these transitions whenever you want to as long as at the correct chord change. If you have the unplugged version it will be easy to find where these happen. During the Slash's solo Lenny keeps playing G Esus4 indefinitly.