----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRAUD - Hawk Nelson ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tabbed by: Ben Sluys Email:[email protected] Tuning: Drop D Some extra notes: This is my first tab, and Ive been playing guitar since about mid summer, 2010 to the present date. I am very confidant that this tab is at least 95% correct. There will be ALOT of me talk and typing because I feel the need to clarity on many things. For those of you who dont know, staccato means sharply and quickly, without letting the note(s) ring for only a short period of time and allowing a short pause before playing the next note(s). When I write a note that slides down to the open fret (such as in the intro) just play the note and very quickly slide your fingers down the fret board until there is no sound. INTRO e|------| B|------| G|------| D|--12\0| A|--12\0| D|--12\0| PRE-VERSE e|--------------------------------------------| B|--------------------------------------------| G|--------7----------11/12-------7------------| D|--00--0-7----00--0-11/12-00--0-7---4-5-2-4--| A|--00--0-5----00--0--9/10-00--0-5---4-5-2-4--| D|--00--0------00--0-------00--0-----4-5-2-4--| x2 VERSE 1 e|------------------------------------------| B|------------------------------------------| G|--7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-12-12-12-12-12-12-12-12-| D|--7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-12-12-12-12-12-12-12-12-| A|--5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-| D|------------------------------------------| e|--------------------------------------------| B|--------------------------------------------| G|--7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-14-14-14-14-14-14-14-14\0-| D|--7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-14-14-14-14-14-14-14-14\0-| A|--5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-12-12-12-12-12-12-12-12\0-| D|--------------------------------------------| Im just going to call this part the interlude INTERLUDE 1 e|----------------------------------------------------------------| B|----------------------------------------------------------------| G|----------------------------------------------------12-12-12-12-| D|-9-9-9-9-5-5-5-5-6-6-6-6-5-5-5-5--9-9-9-9--5-5-5-5--12-12-12-12-| A|-9-9-9-9-5-5-5-5-6-6-6-6-5-5-5-5--9-9-9-9--5-5-5-5--10-10-10-10-| D|-9-9-9-9-5-5-5-5-4-4-4-4-5-5-5-5--9-9-9-9--5-5-5-5--------------| Through out this section play staccato, and right after the last chord slide your pick across your strings. I do it along the second and third strings, starting from my bridge to abou t halfway to where my fret board starts, but you can do what ever sounds best to you. SIDE NOTE: The last three different chords played in the interlude kind of sound like this: e|---------------------------------| B|---------------------------------| G|-7-7-7-7-11-11-11-11-12-12-12-12-| D|-7-7-7-7--9--9--9--9-12-12-12-12-| A|-5-5-5-5--9--9--9--9-10-10-10-10-| D|---------------------------------| But thats only because the bass guitar plays this: G|-----------------------------------------| D|-----------------------------------------| A|-5-5-5-5--9--9--9--9-10-10-10-10-10-10-10| E|-----------------------------------------| Just thought I’d put that out there CHORUS e|------------------------------------| B|------------------------------------| G|-7-7-777----------------------------| D|-7-7-777--7-7-777--9-9-999--5-5-555-| A|-5-5-555--7-7-777--9-9-999--5-5-555-| D|----------7-7-777--9-9-999--5-5-555-| 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 e|-------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------------| G|-7-7-777-----------------------------| D|-7-7-777--7-7-777--9-9-999--5-5-5-5--| A|-5-5-555--7-7-777--9-9-999--5-5-5-5--| D|----------7-7-777--9-9-999--5-5-5-5--| 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 The numbers are not the exact timing; they are just there to give you the idea of the timing. Listen to the song for the timing. A few of the first chords of each measure come a tiny tiny bit before the fist beat before that measure. That may have sounded confusing, but thats ok because its not very important or noticeable, so it wont be missed if you just keep with the timing of the tab. CHORUS (continued) e|--------------------------------------------------------| B|--------------------------------------------------------| G|----------------------------11-11-9-9-------------------| D|-5-5-5-5--9-9-9-9--7-7-7-7--11-11-9-9--5-5-5-5--7-7-7-7-| A|-5-5-5-5--9-9-9-9--7-7-7-7---9--9-7-7--5-5-5-5--7-7-7-7-| D|-5-5-5-5--9-9-9-9--7-7-7-7-------------5-5-5-5--7-7-7-7-| PRE VERSE VERSE TWO e|------------------------------------------| B|------------------------------------------| G|--7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-12-12-12-12-12-12-12-12-| D|--7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-12-12-12-12-12-12-12-12-| A|--5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-| D|------------------------------------------| e|--------------------------------------------| B|--------------------------------------------| G|--7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-14\0----------------------| D|--7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-14\0----------------------| A|--5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-12\0----------------------| D|--------------------------------------------| One, two, here we go. CHORUS Right after the chorus it goes to the bridge BRIDGE e|------------------------------------| B|------------------------------------| G|-7-7-777----------------------------| D|-7-7-777--7-7-777--9-9-999--5-5-555-| A|-5-5-555--7-7-777--9-9-999--5-5-555-| D|----------7-7-777--9-9-999--5-5-555-| 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 e|----------------------------------------| B|----------------------------------------| G|-7-7-777--------------------12-12-12-12-| D|-7-7-777--7-7-777--9-9-9-9--12-12-12-12-| A|-5-5-555--7-7-777--9-9-9-9--10-10-10-10-| D|----------7-7-777--9-9-9-9--------------| Play the whole bridge twice 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 INTERLUDE 2 e|------------------------------------------------------| B|------------------------------------------------------| G|------------------------------------------------------| D|-9-9-9-9-5-5-5-5-6-6-6-6-5-5-5-5--9-9-9-9--5-5-5-5--5-| A|-9-9-9-9-5-5-5-5-6-6-6-6-5-5-5-5--9-9-9-9--5-5-5-5--5-| D|-9-9-9-9-5-5-5-5-4-4-4-4-5-5-5-5--9-9-9-9--5-5-5-5--5-| Staccato again; except hold the last chord. There’s another one of those pick slides leading into the next chorus. CHORUS BRIDGE x2, only end the last measure of the last bridge with a Low G power chord rather than a high G power chord. And finally this alternate bridge e|----------------| B|----------------| G|-7--------------| D|-7---7---9---5--| A|-5---7---9---5--| D|-----7---9---5--| x4 Listen to the song for the timing. To Summarize: INTRO PRE VERSE VERSE 1 INTERLUDE 1 CHORUS PRE VERSE VERSE 2 CHORUS BRIDGE X2 INTERLUDE 2 CHORUS BRIDGE X2 (with alternate ending on the last bridge) ALTERNATE BRIDGE x4 ************************************ | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note | b Bend | pb Pre-bend | br Bend release | pbr Pre-bend release | brb Bend release bend ************************************