xPerson: James song: Unforgetful You artist: Jars of Clay tab: Artist: Jars of Clay Title: Unforgetful You Album: "Drive me Crazy" Soundtrack and "If I Left The Zoo" Tab by: Brian Germer Intro: E // B // A // B // Verse 1: (use heavy chorus) E B A B I never minded calling You a king E B (just drums) If that meant that I could count on You to give me everything E A F#m B I never thought I'd ask You, I always You knew E B A B It was never my intention to question You E B A B You never minded calling me a child E B A (just drums) Well, I guess that's how I acted all the while E A F#m B But You live through every tantrum, You see through every lie E B Though they seem to be more common A B I just wanted You to know why oh why Chorus: E B A B E B A B (Ah - ah - ah...) Unforgetful You, (Ah - ah - ah...) unforgetful E B A B E B A B (Ah - ah - ah...) Unforgetful You, (Ah - ah - ah...) so unforgetful E // B // A // B // Verse 3: (same as before) You never minded giving us the stars Then showing us how blind and unaware of You we are You painted me a picture and me how to see Though I just won't behold it unless it pertains to me... Chorus Bridge: (Key change to Gm) Progression: Gm C Bb Electric Lead: (use wah - tap pedal for each note) Main part: |1st & 3rd||-2nd time--||-4th Time-| -------------------------------------------|------------|-------6---| -------------------------------------------|-------7b8--|-------5b6-| --------------------------5--------3--3p0--|--3---------|--3h5------| -----5----3---------------5----5---3--3p0--|--3---------|-----------| ---------------5--4--3---------------------|------------|-----------| --3----------------------------------------|------------|-----------| |_________| |__________||__________| Intro progression Chorus That's it! Pretty easy as compared to most JOC songs. Questions - [email protected] Words and Music: Dan Haseltine, Matt Odmark, Steve Mason, and Charlie Lowell c1999 Bridge Building Music, Inc./Pogostick Music (BMI) All rights reserved *** FOR MORE JARS OF CLAY TABS CHECK OUT www.christianmusic.org/guitar ***