Don’t Wait Too Long, Remedy Drive Timing = 4/4 Key = F Intro = C, C/Gm, Bb, F 2x NOTES VERY IMPORTANT!!!! = the C chord is the 3rd inversion, the Gm (part of the C/ Gm) is the fist version, the Bb is the 3rd inversion and the F is the 1st inversion. This allows the song to be played all in one spot on a keyboard. Not so sure about a guitar but I’m sure something could be worked out. (Verse 1) C C/Gm Every thing is quiet here outside the sound, Bb F You bury you talent in the ground. C C/Gm Tired of always standing still waiting around, Bb F You feel so lost, just wanna be found. (Music intro again only once) C C/Gm Everything is lonely your outside the song, Bb F You wait another year’s gone. C C/Gm Yet another sun goes down but still it’s wrong, Bb F You wanna make it right, not wait too long. (Chorus) C C/Gm Bb F Yeah, don’t wait too long, don’t wait too long. C C/Gm Bb F Yeah, don’t wait too long, don’t wait too (Verse 2) C C/Gm Can you see the fire it burns behind the skies? Bb F It’s not enough to exist, but just survive. C C/Gm Can you see the fire inside the children’s eyes? Bb F They’re waiting for you to come alive. (No music intro at all) C C/G, Everyone is waking up, but the brains are drawn, Bb F You can’t recall what you’re running from. C C/Gm Open up the shudders come on embrace the dawn, Bb F The race is on, so don’t wait too long. (2nd Chorus) C C/Gm Bb F Yeah, don’t wait too long, don’t wait too long. C C/Gm Bb F Yeah, don’t wait too long, don’t wait too long. C C/Gm Bb F To live, to love, to find a song to be part of, C C/Gm Bb F To forgive, to move on, don’t wait too long, don’t wait too long. (Instrumental Solo === Dm for “16 measures”, play the music intro 2x just like at the beginning) (3rd Chorus) C C/Gm Bb F Yeah, don’t wait too long, don’t wait too long. C C/Gm Bb F Yeah, don’t wait too long, don’t wait too long. C C/Gm Bb F To live, to love, to find a song to be part of, C C/Gm Bb F To forgive, to move on, don’t wait too long don’t wait too long. C C/Gm Bb F Listen, and dance, and hold the hands of innocence, C C/Gm Bb F Trust you be long, don’t wait to long don’t wait too long. (Instrumental Solo === Dm for “8 measures” and that’s the end of the song) Added note ==== the measure for the instrumental solos are accurate!!!!! To do the beat in your head (count to 4) 16 times, then 8 times. MAKE SURE TO THE RYTHME!!!!!