xTravis McCoy One at a time Help Prevent HIV im not sure if my tab is accurate.. Please Correct me If I'm Wrong Im Open 2 any of Ur suggestions Help Me Out guyz thnx.. Hirs My Mobile Num.: 09054314577 YM: [email protected] Facebook: [email protected] Capo 3rd Fret Intro: Drums Verse: yeah! its travie G, D, Em7, C9 Refrain: Uh, Think About it Em7, D, C9 Chorus: Cant change the world Overnyt G, D, Em7, C9 G D EM7 C9 --3-----2----3----3----| --3-----3----3----3----| --0-----2----0----0----| --0-----0----2----2----| --2-----0----2----3----| --3-----x----x----x----| ----------IF u Dont have Capo----- Standard TUning Verse/Chorus: --x--x--x--x------------------------| --x--x--x--x------------------------| --3--x--x--8------------------------| --3--3--5--8------------------------| --1--3--5--6------------------------| --x--1--3--x------------------------| Refrain: --x---x----x-----------------------| --x---x----x-----------------------| --x---x----8-----------------------| --5---3----8-----------------------| --5---3----6-----------------------| --3---1----x-----------------------| http://theunbeatentrack.com/