----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOG - Lemuria ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuning: Standard Riff: A E A (A) C#m E C#m E I feel like you've died and I want you back C#m E C#m But I know that I will never see you again Riff (A) C#m E Walking around trying to keep my mouth shut C#m E While the pity piles up C#m E While the pity piles up A B5 D x4 Riff (A) C#m E C#m Like a goddamn dog with it's tail between it's legs E C#m E C#m Ashamed of trying to butter up your obituary C#m E C#m E At least I can say I tried with you C#m E At least I can say I tried with you A B5 D x4 Riff: A E e|-------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------------| G|-13b14r13---13b14r13--13131313--13---| D|--------------------------9-9---9----| A|-11b12r11---11b12r11--1111-----------| E|----------------------0-0-0-0---0----| I suggest making the first octave w/ ur middle and pinky, so you can move ur pointer to the 9 easily. Alternative would be to play the 14 on the A string. It also sounds better this way if playing with one guitar: e|-----------------------------------| B|-----------------------------------| G|-----------------------------------| D|-6b7r6---6b7r6---6-------9-9---9---| A|-0-------0-------0----7--7-7---7---| E|----------------------0--0-0---0---| And over the verse, other guitar part plays this e|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| G|-14-14-14-14-9-9-9-9-14-14-14-14-9-9-9-9-14-14-14-14-13-13-13-13-9-9-9-9--| D|-x--x--x--x--x-x-x-x-x--x--x--x--x-x-x-x-x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x-x-x-x--| A|-12-12-12-12-7-7-7-7-12-12-12-12-7-7-7-7-12-12-12-12-11-11-11-11-7-7-7-7--| E|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| And the Interlude thing: e|-----------------------------------------| B|-----------------------------------------| G|-2--2---2--2--4--4--7--7---7---7--7/9-9--| D|-2--2---2--2--4--4--4--4---4---4---------| A|-0--0---0--0--2--2--5--5---5---5---------| E|-----------------------------------------|