歌手头像-Judas Priest


音乐人: Judas Priest

Band:  Judas Priest
Album: Nostradamus
Song:  Nostradamus

Copyright (c) (Sony) (2008)
Version 2.0 

Transcribed By: ju.da.s
Email: metalgod.jp@hotmail.com       

.  - palm mute           /  - slide up to
\  - slide down to       ~  - vibrato
h  - hammer on           b  - Bend
p  - pull off            Suffixes for bend
t  - tap                 f  - full bend    h - half bend
ph - pinched harmonic    q  - quarter bend t - tap bend
*  - see comment         ^  - Hold bend    r release bend
x  - Stuccatto           ~  - vibrato bend
,  - slight palm mute    () - ghost note, sustained note
"  - tremolo note        <> - Trill

Tunning E A D G B E

Intro after the opera intro 
Riff 1
|---------------------------| |-------------------------|
|---------------------------| |-------------------------|
|---------------------------| |-5-5-4-5-----------------|
|-5h7------7----------------| |-3-3-2-3-----------------|
|-5--5-5-5-5--5-5-5-5-5-5---| |-------------------------|


Repeat the riff 1 2 times whole parts 

Verse riff 2

  PM|--|  |--|  |----------|
|-----------------------------|x4 |---------------------------------|
|-----------------------------|   |---------------------------------|
|-----------------------------|   |---------------------------------|
|-7-----5-----7-----5-7/8-5---|   |---------------------------------| 
|---0-0---0-0---0-0-----------|   |-7-5-7--5-7-8-5--7-5-7--5-7-8-5--|
|-----------------------------|   |-5-3-5--3-5-6-3--5-3-5--3-5-6-3--|

Repeat the verse part (riff 2) 2 times

Prechorus riff 3
         A.H         A.H       A.H              A.H       
|---------------------------------------------------| REPEAT x2

Chorus riff 4
|-----------------------------------------| (x2)

Break riff 5
|------------------------------------------------| x2

Repeat all riffs two times in order except the first (riff 1)
After play the next riff 

Presolo verse riff 6 part A
Part B
|---------------------------------| after play this - repeat
|---------------------------------| the part A and after play the part c
Part C                  A.H
|---------------------------| REPEAT WHOLE 2 TIMES (X2)

the next part is a little solo after the solo's 
part of glenn and kk but I don't know how is this part
  Play again the first bar and  and after  play this 
Riff 1 again   two times 

enjoy and rated thank's


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