xThis is my first entry so please don't wonder about eventual mistakes ... I have posted this chords because I haven't found any for this song on the internet. I it's totally silly, but I think in a funny way, so I wanted to share it... Verse: 3x e|-3--3--5--5--| B|-3--3--7--7--| G|-4--4--7--7--| D|-5--5--7--7--| A|-5--5--5--5--| E|-3--3--------| Jede Zelle meines Körpers ist glücklich, jede Körperzelle... e|-3--2--0--0--| B|-5--4--0--0--| G|-5--4--0--0--| D|-5--4--2--2--| A|-3--2--2--2--| E|-------0--0--| ...fühlt sich wohl! Chorus: 2x e|-7--5--0--0--| B|-8--7--0--0--| G|-9--7--0--0--| D|-9--7--2--2--| A|-7--5--2--2--| E|-------0--0--| Jede Zelle, an jeder Stelle, ... e|-7--5--0--5--|-3--2--0--0--| B|-8--7--0--7--|-5--4--0--0--| G|-9--7--0--7--|-5--4--0--0--| D|-9--7--2--7--|-5--4--2--2--| A|-7--5--2--5--|-3--2--2--2--| E|-------0-----|-------0--0--| ... jede Zelle ist voll gut drauf! Song Order: 2x Verse 2x Chorus (repeat as often as wanted) The matching video is avivable at: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTjyRu88PRE I hope it is useful to you and you like it, lukas