FROM CAN TO CAN'T (by Corey Fucking Taylor, Dave Fucking Grohl, Rick Fucking Nielsen & Scott Fucking Reeder) I know there are already some tabs of this song, but I found none very complete and/or well organized. I tried my best here. You may either play this with a capo over the second fret or tune your guitar to F#.C#.A.E.B.F#. The chords showed throughout the song are based on the standard tuning, but they are done according to the capo. Awesome fucking song. [Intro/Verse 1] (clean sound): E5 F#5 G5 A5 C5 B5 Bb5 A5 x8 e|---------------------------------------------------| B|o-------------------------------------------------o| G|----0-----0-----0-----0-----0-----0-----0-----0----| D|------2-----2-----2-----2-----2-----2-----2-----2--| A|o-------------------0-----3-----2-----1-----0-----o| E|--0-----2-----3------------------------------------| [Chorus] C B Em F#m G A x3 e|---------------------------------------------------| B|o-------5-----------4-------0-----0-----0-----0---o| G|------5---5-------4-----------0-----0-----0-----0--| D|----5-------5---4----------------------------------| A|o-3-----------2-----------------------------0-----o| E|--------------------------0-----2-----3------------| Em F#m G A e|---------------------------| B|----0-----0-----0-----0----| G|------0-----0-----0-----0--| D|---------------------------| A|--------------------0------| E|--0-----2-----3------------| [Interlude] E5 F#5G5 A5 C5 B5 Bb5A5 x2 e|--------------------------| B|o------------------------o| G|-----------2--5--4--3--2--| D|--2--4--5-----------------| A|o----------0--3--2--1--0-o| E|--0--2--3-----------------| [Verse 2] It's played the same as the first Verse, but distorted. Also, along with it is played the interlude part. [Chorus 2] It's analog to Verse 2. When Corey sings 'I will blur my line', the first guitar, which was playing the Verse 1 phrases, plays along with the second the heavy part. C5 B5 E5 F#5G5 A5 x2 E5 F#5 G5 A5 x2 e|--------------------|------------------------------| B|o------------------o|o-----------------------------| G|--------------------|------------------------------| D|--5--4-----------2--|-----------------------2xxxx--| A|o-3--2--2--4--5--0-o|o-2xxxx--4xxxx--5xxxx--0xxxx--| E|--------0--2--3-----|--0xxxx--2xxxx--3xxxx---------| [Solo] (I do not plan trying to write the solo down, but, anyway, I think its tone is F#m (whether you are playing with the capo or the alternative tuning, it would be like playing on Em). Here is only the base of it. Note that Corey starts to sing a little before the ending of this section (if you didn't notice already, he does it in, I think, every part of the song): E5 F#5 G5 A5 x2 e|------------------------------| B|o----------------------------o| G|------------------------------| YEEEAAAH!! D|-----------------------2xxxx--| A|o-2xxxx--4xxxx--5xxxx--0xxxx-o| E|--0xxxx--2xxxx--3xxxx---------| E5 F#5G5 A5 C5 B5 Bb5A5 x2 e|--------------------------| B|o------------------------o| G|--------------------------| D|-----------2--5--4--3--2--| A|o-2--4--5--0--3--2--1--0-o| E|--0--2--3-----------------| [Verse 3] (there is no more the picked part from the beginning): E5 F#5G5 A5 C5 B5 Bb5A5 x2 e|--------------------------| B|o------------------------o| G|--------------------------| D|-----------2--5--4--3--2--| A|o-2--4--5--0--3--2--1--0-o| E|--0--2--3-----------------| [Chorus 3] (there is a little breakdown in its beginning, and also a different strumming for the first C5 and B5): C5 B5 e|----------------------------| B|----------------------------| G|----------------------------| D|--5-5-5-5-5-5--4-4-4-4-4-4--| A|--3-3-3-3-3-3--2-2-2-2-2-2--| E|----------------------------| [Breakdown] Em F#m G A C B e|---------------------------|-------------------------| B|----0-----0-----0-----0----|--------5-----------4~~--| G|------0-----0-----0-----0--|------5---5-------4------| D|---------------------------|----5-------5---4--------| A|--------------------0------|--3-----------2----------| E|--0-----2-----3------------|-------------------------| (From here, heavy part (like in Chorus 2) and picked part (like in Chorus 1) are played together. What created certain confusion for me at first is that Chorus 3 has an extra line on it, so it is not exactly as the others) Em F#m G A C B x2 e|---------------------------|-------------------------| B|o---0-----0-----0-----0----|--------5-----------4~~-o| G|------0-----0-----0-----0--|------5---5-------4------| D|---------------------------|----5-------5---4--------| A|o-------------------0------|--3-----------2---------o| E|--0-----2-----3------------|-------------------------| | | E5 F#5G5 A5 C5 B5 e|--------------|----------------------------| B|o-------------|---------------------------o| G|--------------|----------------------------| D|-----------2--|--5-5-5-5-5-5--4-4-4-4-4-4--| A|o-2--4--5--0--|--3-3-3-3-3-3--2-2-2-2-2-2-o| E|--0--2--3-----|----------------------------| (Then it is played the clean Verse 1 too) E5 F#5G5 A5 C5 B5 Bb5A5 e|--------------------------| B|--------------------------| I AM CROSSING MY LIINEEE!! G|--------------------------| D|-----------2--5--4--3--2--| A|--2--4--5--0--3--2--1--0--| E|--0--2--3-----------------| | | E5 F#5 G5 A5 C5 B5 Bb5 A5 e|---------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------| G|----0-----0-----0-----0-----0-----0-----0-----0----| D|------2-----2-----2-----2-----2-----2-----2-----2--| A|--------------------0-----3-----2-----1-----0------| E|--0-----2-----3------------------------------------| (The song finishes with this. It is the same tempo, obviously, I just wrote this way to make it more emphatic) E5 F#5G5 A5 C5 B5 Bb5 A5 e|--------------|-----------------| B|--------------|-----------------| G|--------------|-----------------| D|-----------2--|--5~--4~--3~--2~-| A|--2--4--5--0--|--3~--2~--1~--0~-| E|--0--2--3-----|-----------------| | | E5 F#5 G5 A5 C5 B5 Bb5 A5 e|---------------------------|---------------------------| B|---------------------------|---------------------------| G|----0-----0-----0-----0----|----0-----0-----0----------| D|------2-----2-----2-----2--|------2-----2-----2--------| A|--------------------0------|--3-----2-----1-----0~~----| E|--0-----2-----3------------|---------------------------| Lyrics [Verse 1] Under the water It's cold and it's grey My torrid autumn Another season decays Open up the hollow and my walls come down I'll tell you it's a problem Just when no one's around [Chorus] But then I know what's wrong God you complicated everything I know you're gone, gone, gone This is where I will draw a line I will draw my line [Verse 2] Burning my cathedrals 'Cause I don't pray anymore Look at all these people Tragic little people They're smiling and they don't know what for [Chorus] But then I know what's wrong God you complicated everything I know you're gone, gone, gone This is where I will blur my line I will blow my line Yeah! [Verse 3] Our houses are haunted Dark and deserted They're made of my secrets and shame Maybe I want it But I know I'm not worth it I can't even tell you my name [Chorus] But then I know what's wrong God you complicated everything I know you're wrong God, you took it all away from me I know you're gone, gone, gone This is where I will cross my line I am crossing my line ************************************ | x Dead note | ~ Vibrato ************************************