歌手头像-stuart townsend

Oh To See The Dawn The Power Of The Cross

音乐人: stuart townsend

D/F#    E/G#    A    E/B    A/C#
Dmaj7    A/C#    Bm7    Dmaj7    Esus    E

D/F#  E/G#    A                E7/B    A/C#
Oh to see the dawn of the darkest day 
D                 A/C#    Bm7   Dmaj7   Esus    E
Christ on the road to cal  -  va  -  ry 
D/F#     E/G#   A                   E7/B    A/C#
Tried by sinful men, torn and beaten then 
D                A/C#  Dmaj7  Esus    E/D
Nailed to a cross   of    wood. 

A/C#     D        E/G#  A
This the pow’r of the cross: 
A/C#     D      E/G#   A
Christ became sin for us, 
A/C#        D      B/D#     E
Took the blame, bore the wrath. 
E/D  A/C#     D     Esus  E     D/F#    E/G#    A
We  stand forgiven at          the cross. 

Dmaj7    Bm7    Esus    E

D/F#  E/G#   A                 E7/B    A/C#
Oh to see the pain written on Your face, 
D                 A/C#      Bm7  Dmaj7  Esus    E
Bearing the awesome weight of       sin. 
D/F#   E/G#    A                E7/D   A/C#
Ev’ry   bitter thought, ev’ry evil    deed – 
D                      A/C#    Dmaj7 Esus     E/D
Crowning Your blood - stained brow.


D/F#      E/G#     A                   E7/B        A/C#
Now the daylight flees; now the ground beneath 
D                    A/C#  Bm7  Dmaj7   Esus    E
Quakes as its Maker bows his        head. 
D/F#   E/G#    A                   E7/D   A/C#
Curtain torn in two, dead are raised to life
D                  A/C#    Dmaj7 Esus     E/D
‘Finished!’ the vict’  -  ry       cry.

D/F#  E/G#     A                E7/B   A/C#
Oh to see my name written in the wound 
D                          A/C#  Bm7  Dmaj7   Esus    E
For through Your suf‘fring I      am       free 
D/F#      E/G#        A               E7/D   A/C#
Death is crushed to death, life is mine to live 
D                           A/C# Dmaj7 Esus     E/D
Won through Your self  -  less     love 

A/C#     D        E/G#  A
This the pow’r of the cross 
A/C#     D   E/G#   A
Son of God slain for us 
A/C#    D    B/D#     E
What a life, what a cost 
E/D  A/C#     D    Esus  E     D/F#    E/G#    A
We stand forgiven at       the cross 

A    E/G#    A/C#
Dmaj7    Bm7    D/E    A


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