歌手头像-The Four Pennies

Black Girl

音乐人: The Four Pennies

BLACK GIRL by The Four Pennies

-Standard tuning

Intro:  2x Dm   Am   F  G(Barre)  F  E

Am                      D           F
Black girl, black girl, tell me no lies, 
Am           E           Am
where did you sleep last night
In the pines, in the pines, 
D                    F
where the sun never shines
Am                 E           Am
To shiver, the whole night through

Am                D         F
Her husband was a railroad man, 
Am            E          Am
killed at the driving wheel
Am                     D         F
She found his body all crushed & torn 
Am        E       Am
under the twisted steel

Am                        D             F
It caused her to weep, it caused her to moan
Am               E        Am
It caused her to lose her mind
Am                     D        F
She thought of how she lost her man, 
Am           E        Am
So brave, so gentle & kind

SOLO(Am D F Am E Am)

Am                    D           F
Now she wonders alone beneath the trees, 
Am             E         Am
she’s happy to mourn her man
Am                         D         F
And the cold wind blows to chill her bones 
Am           E              Am
And sea mist hangs over her head

Am                      D              F
Black girl, black girl, Where will you go? 
Am                 E         Am
She goes where the cold wind blows

In the pines, in the pines, 
D                   F
where the sun never shines

Am                         A          F           A
To shiver, the whole night through……..

Tab by Attila Terdik



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