歌手头像-Todd Rundgren

Dust In The Wind

音乐人: Todd Rundgren

Dust in The Wind
Todd Rundgren
from Something Anything, 1972
Tabbed by Almir Nametak, Dec 2010
[email protected]


B,E, G,A

F#m       Faug          A/E          A/D#
Tell everyone that I am sorry, truly sorry
D        E            A
For all the wrongs I done

F#m       Faug          A/E          A/D#
I never meant to hurt nobody
D        E            A
Lord I never want to do no wrong


D                    A        
I have lied, I have begged and I have cheated
      G                  A
And I know my ship won’t be coming in
D          C#m7
As I lay me down to take my rest

B               E              G    A
I see that it’s just dust in the wind

F#m       Faug          A/E          A/D#
Take hold my hand, hold it tighter, ever tighter
D        E            A
You must believe that I love you still

F#m       Faug          A/E          A/D#
But my strength, it grows weaker, ever weaker

D        E            A
And my body has lost it’s will


D                    A        
I have lied, I have begged and I have cheated
G                  A
And I know my ship won’t be coming in
D          C#m7
As I lay me down to take my rest
B                    E            G    A
I see that it’s just dust in the wind


F#m        E       D
Oh my lord, I have lost once again
C#                           F#m       Faug, E
And I got no one to help me find my way
       D                    A      Faug, E
But I never wanted to hurt nobody
       D                    A
And I never wanted to do no wrong 


D                    A        
I have lied, I have begged and I have cheated
G                  A
And I know my ship won’t be coming in
D          C#m7
As I lay me down to take my rest
B                    E            G    A
I see that it’s just dust in the wind

  B    E            G    A
Dust in the wind mama



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