Talking Shit About a Pretty Sunset - Modest Mouse Tabbed by: Jwrussert Email: Tuning: EADGBe Intro: E5 G#5 F#5 E5 e|----------------------| B|----------------------| G|-9----13----11----9---| D|-9----13----11----9---| A|-7----11----9-----7---| E|----------------------| It sounds best if you start the first E5 with a down stroke(toward the 1st string) and second E5 with an up stroke (towards the 6th string). Or maybe I'm just crazy. Continue to play this progression with a different strumming pattern throughout most of song. Solo (1:40 into the song): Palm Mute e|-------------------------------| B|-12-9h10h12-12-9h10h12-12-10-9-| G|-9--9-------9--9-------9--9--9-| x2 D|-------------------------------| A|-------------------------------| E|-------------------------------| Play that twice and then this: Harmonics Palm Mute Harmonics e|-+12+12+-------+12+12+-----------------+12+12+-------+12+12+-----| B|--------+12+12+--------+12+-12-9-10-7---------+12+12+------------| G|-----------------------------------------------------------------| x2 D|------------------------------------------------------------12---| A|-----------------------------------------------------------------| E|-----------------------------------------------------------------| Then repeat the entire solo one more time and then go back into the intro chords. After them for a while start playing this next part which starts at about 2:43 minutes into song. Talking shit... e|--------------------------------------------------| B|----12----12----12----12---8---8------------------| G|-12----12----11----11----9---9---------8h10-8h10--| repeat this a D|---------------------------------11-11------------| bunch of times A|--------------------------------------------------| E|--------------------------------------------------| Then Isaac Brock just repeats this a bunch of times and then goes off on a bunch of things that are pretty much based on this. | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note