Akatsuki solo


Akatsuki solo(s) tabbed by imspazzen

Ok so I accidentally tabbed this because I didn't realize there was already a tab for 
it, but there are some
mistakes in the other one and mine is overall pretty different so... here.

If you want the GP file: http://www.4shared.com/file/c721wftlce/Akatsuki_solos.html
You'll probably wanna use it because there's some ridiculous notation going on here.
All notation/timing symbols are explained at the bottom.
Hopefully this isn't confusing. But it probably is.

Note: Some bars in the harmony solo don't match up perfectly.

EDIT: I've made a few more text tabs and upon revising this I realized a lot of the
notation was unnecessary. I took out the durations and ties as well as simplifying 
some techniques so hopefully it looks less cluttered.

Tuning (low to high): C# F# B E G# C#

Solo 1

Guitar 1 (left speaker)
               the sweep glides over the B string
E ||------------------------9-----------9-----|
B ||----------------------9-------------------|



                                              Solo 2
   Guitar 1

|  Guitar 2 (Right speaker)

  Guitar 2     (timing is slightly off here)


   Guitar 2
|  Guitar 1
|------------------------------------------------|---------------x/----|  this is just
|------------------------------------------------|---------------------|  like a slide thing

Solo 3

  Guitar 1
                PM PM PM



Solo 4

   Guitar 1
|-------------------------------------------------------------| The bend here is more like a 3/4 bend
|-------------------------------------------------------------| vibrato thing. Higher than a half step but
|-------------------------------------------------------------|     not all the way up to a full step.
|  Guitar 2
|     this part is kind of P.M.'d

Guitar 2


                                                 Harmony Solo
    Guitar 2
       slight P.M. on the scales
|   Guitar 3 (left speaker)
|   Guitar 4 (right speaker)

   Guitar 3
|  Guitar 4





                                    T           T           T        T        T        T

|    T            T            T         T         T         T


Considering I already that I already had it in GP, this felt like a huge waste of an 
hour. But I hope
at least someone has fun playing the solo to this very X-Japan-ish song.

Tablature Legend
x - dead note
[] - pinch harmonic
h - hammer on
p - pull off
b - bend
r - release bend
T - tap
/ -  slide into from below or out of upwards
\ -  slide into from above or out of downwards
~ - vibrato


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