歌手头像-Cradle of Filth

An Enemy Led The Tempest

音乐人: Cradle of Filth

                          C R A D L E   O F   F I L T H


                  A N   E N E M Y   L E D   T H E   T E M P E S T

                               DAMNATION AND A DAY
                             (c) Sony Records - 2003

                       Tune down one step, then Drop D (to C)
                                   C G C F A D

                                 Tempo = 130 BPM
                              Time Signature = 4/4

                                 Transcribed by

                                 PADDY MCMULLAN
                           [email protected]

                                   Version 1.1
                     (Corrections Outlined at Bottom of Tab)
                                12th March 2009

                             Tablature Symbols Used:

 P.M...    -  Palm Mute
 p         -  Pull-Off
 h         -  Hammer-On
 (/)       -  Legato Slide (Blank space indicates length of slide)
 \         -  Slide Down to/Down From (Blank space indicates length of slide)
 /         -  Slide Up To/Up From (Blank space indicates length of slide)
 ( )       -  Ghost Note/Tied Note/Implied Note
 REST      -  Rest and sustain rest for duration of blank space
 |_3_|     -  Triplet Notes
 |___[1]   -  Ending 1/2/3 etc.
 x         -  Dead Note/Muted Note

Intro 1.1: Guitar 1 with Heavy Distortion (Play once)

 1  |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_|

2  |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |___3___|  |__3__|
|--5-5-5-5-5-5-7p5-7p5-7 \-3 / 4-- \--3--3--3--|
|--------------------------3 / 4-- \--3--4--3--|

3  |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_|

4  |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_|
|--------------------------------------| |
|--------------------------------------| |
|--------------------------------------|*| x 2
|--------------------------8----8-  \--|*|
|--5-5-5-5-5-5-7p5-7p5-5-6-6----6-  \--| |
|--------------------------------------| |

 9  |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_|
    ...........         ...............         ...

10  |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_|  |___3___|  |__3__|
|--------------------------(3 / 4)- \--3--3--3--|
|--5-5-5-5-5-5-7p5-7p5-5\3-(3 / 4)- \--3--4--3--|
   ...........                         .......

11  |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_|
   ...........         ...............         ...

12  |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_|
|--------------------------8----8-  \--|
|--------------------------6----6-  \--|
   ...........         ...

13  |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_|

14 |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_|  |___3___|   |__3__|
|---------------------------3 / 4-- \ --3--3--3--|
|--0-0-0-0-0-0-2p0-2p0-0-0--3 / 4-- \ --3--4--3--|

15 |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_|

16 |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_|
|----------------------------8----8-  \--||
|----------------------------6----6-  \--||

Intro 1.2: Guitar 2 with Heavy Distortion (Play once)

 1  |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_|

2  |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |___3___|  |__3__|
|--------------------------3 / 4-- \--3--3--3--|
|--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-3 / 4-- \--3--4--3--|

3  |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_|

4  |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_|
|--------------------------------------| |
|--------------------------------------| |
|--------------------------8----8-  \--|*| x 2
|--------------------------6----6-  \--| |
|--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-------------| |

 9  |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_|
    ...........         ...............         ...

10 |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_|  |___3___|  |__3__|
|--------------------------(3 / 4)- \--3--3--3--|
|--5-5-5-5-5-5-7p5-7p5-5\3-(3 / 4)- \--3--4--3--|
   ...........                         .......

11 |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_|
   ...........         ...............         ...

12 |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_|
|--------------------------8----8-  \--|
|--------------------------6----6-  \--|
   ...........         ...

13 |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_|

14 |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_|  |___3___|   |__3__|
|---------------------------3 / 4-- \ --3--3--3--|
|--0-0-0-0-0-0-2p0-2p0-0-0--3 / 4-- \ --3--4--3--|

15 |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_|

16 |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_|
|----------------------------8----8-  \--||
|----------------------------6----6-  \--||

Section 1 - Part I: Guitars 1 & 2 (Play twice)


---------------------------| |
---------------------------| |
--3--3-3-3-3-3--7---7---7--| |
--3--3-3-3-3-3--7---7---7--| |


Section 1 - Part II: Guitars 1 & 2 (Play twice)

         |__3__|       |__3__|          |__3__|       |__3__|
         .......       .......          .......       .......

                                  |__3__|  |__3__|       |__3_|
        |__3__|       |__3__|  |_________________________________[1]
|------------------------------|---------------------------------| |
|------------------------------|---------------------------------| |
|--0----0--0--0--7----0--0--0--|--3--3--3--3--3--3--7----7----7--| |
|--0----0--0--0--0----0--0--0--|--3--3--3--3--3--3--7----7----7--| |
        .......       .......     ................

   |__3__|  |__3__|

Section 2 - Part I: Guitars 1 & 2 (Play 4 times) [ Tempo = 220 BPM ]

||--------------------------|---------------------------| |
||--------------------------|---------------------------| |
||--5--8--8--5--8--8--5--8--|--5--8--8--5--8--6--6--10--| |
||--0--8--8--0--8--8--0--8--|--0--8--8--0--8--6--6--10--| |
       ....     ....    ...       ....     ....     ..


Section 2 - Part II: Guitars 1 & 2 (Play twice)







|----------------------------------|----------------------------------| |
|----------------------------------|----------------------------------| |
|--4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-|--4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-| |
|----------------------------------|----------------------------------| |

Section 3 - Part I: Guitars 1 & 2 (Play twice) [ Tempo = 104 BPM ]




|---------------------------------------| |
|---------------------------------------| |
|--7----------7------------8--11--4--8--| |
|--7--7h9-7h9-7--7h10-7h10-8--11--4--8--| |

Section 3 - Part II: Guitars 1 & 2 (Play twice) [ Tempo = 108 BPM ]

              |_3_|                           |_3_|
    ....      .....                 ....      .....

             |_3_|                           |_3_|
|-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |
|-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |
|-------------------------------|-------------------3--5--3--2--| |
|-------------------------------|-------------------3--5--3--2--| |
   ....      .....                 ....      .....

Guitars 1 & 2 play Section 2: Part II x 3 [ Tempo = 220 BPM ]

Guitars 1 & 2 play Section 3: Part I x 2 [ Tempo = 104 BPM ]

Guitars 1 & 2 play Section 3: Part II x 2 [ Tempo = 108 BPM ]

Section 4 - Part I: Guitars 1 & 2 (Play 3 times)




|------------------------------------| |
|------------------------------------| |
|--------------------------1----1----| |
|--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--1----1----| |

Section 4 - Part II: Guitars 1 & 2 (Play twice)

         ................     ......................

|--------------------------|------------------------------| |
|--------------------------|------------------------------| |
|--4--4--4--4--4--4--4--4--|--3--3--3--3--3-3--3--3-3--3--| |
|--4--4--4--4--4--4--4--4--|--3--3--3--3--3-3--3--3-3--3--| |
   ......................     ...............     ...

Section 5 - Part I: Guitars 1 & 2 (Play twice)



|----------------------------------|----------------------------------| |
|----------------------------------|----------------------------------| |
|----------4-4-5-5-4-4-------------|----------4-4-5-5-4-4-------------| |
|--4-4-7-7-------------7-7-6-6-7-7-|--4-4-7-7-------------7-7-6-6-7-7-| |

Section 5 - Part II: Guitars 1 & 2 (Play once)

||--7----------------|--6--------7---- \ ---|--3--3---------------|
||--7----------------|--6--------7---- \ ---|--3--3---------------|
||--7----------------|--6--------7---- \ ---|--3--3---------------|

|--(3)---------- / ---|--7----------------|--9--------10---- \ ---|
|--(3)---------- / ---|--7----------------|--9--------10---- \ ---|
|--(3)---------- / ---|--7----------------|--9--------10---- \ ---|

|--2----2------------|-(2)----------- / ---||
|--2----2------------|-(2)----------- / ---||
|--2----2------------|-(2)----------- / ---||

Section 5 - Part III: Guitars 1 & 2 (Play once) [ Tempo = 220 BPM ]

  1                               2

 3                               4

 5                            6

 7                              8









Guitars 1 & 2 play Section 1: Part I x 2 [ Tempo - 130 BPM ]

Guitars 1 & 2 play Section 1: Part II x 2

Guitars 1 & 2 play Section 2: Part I x 4 [ Tempo = 220 BPM ]

Guitars 1 & 2 play Section 2: Part II x 2

Outro: Guitars 1 & 2 (Play twice) [ Tempo = 104 BPM ]




|---------------------------------------| |
|---------------------------------------| |
|---------------------------------------|*| x 2
|--7----------7------------8--11--4--8--| |
|--7--7h9-7h9-7--7h10-7h10-8--11--4--8--| |

                           |_3_| |__3___| |_3_| |_3_|

   |_3_| |__3___| |_3_| |_3_| |_3_| |__3___| |_3_| |_3_|

|---------R-          -||
|---------E-          -||
|---------S-          -||
|--7-  \--T-          -||
|--7-  \---------------||


Tab summary:        Intro x 1
                    Section 1:
                              Part I x 2
                              Part II x 2
                    Section 2:
                              Part I x 4
                              Part II x 2
                    Section 3:
                              Part I x 2
                              Part II x 2
                    Section 2: Part II x 3
                    Section 3: Part I x 2
                    Section 3: Part II x 2
                    Section 4:
                              Part I x 3
                              Part II x 2
                    Section 5:
                              Part I x 2
                              Part II x 1
                              Part III x 1
                    Section 1: Part I x 2
                    Section 1: Part II x 2
                    Section 2: Part I x 4
                    Section 2: Part II x 2
                    Outro x 2


Corrections [12/03/09]

* Added missing triplets and alternative ending annotation to Section 1: Part II


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