American Woman - Guess Who (1970) Written By: Randy Bachman/Burton Cummings/Jim Kale/Gary Peterson. Tabbed/Chorded By: Skidaddy, Esq., G.Q. 4/4 TIME @ 104 and 92 BPM in 'G' and 'E'. Chords Used: ----------- GUITAR KEYS E A D G B e Bass| Chord ------------------ ---------------- (G) - x x 12 12 12 x - D-G-B (Harmonics) G - 3 2 0 0 3 3 G G-B-D B - 7 9 9 8 7 7 B B-D#-F# D - x x 7 7 7 x D A-D-F# E - x 7 9 9 9 7 E G#-B-E PRELUDE: [25 M] ** TEMPO = 104 / KEY = 'G' - ------- If you want the exact version to the 'PRELUDE', see Steve Garner's intro here (but you have to re-tune your git-fiddle):; OR, see Don Shanty, Jr.s version here (no git-fiddle re-tuning): (Great job by both Steve, and Don. Thank you, both.) NOTE: What I present here is a basic, generic version, for intermediate and highly motivated beginners. Please keep that in mind and don't rate it low because it's not the end-all-be-all version of this song. Thanks, Skidaddy, Esq., G.Q. (G) e|----------------| B|(12)------------| G|(12)------------| D|(12)------------| A|----------------| E|----------------| 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 'Basic' TAB 1: Play 5X (10 Measures) after '(G)' chord. Begin Vocals on 5th pass (See lyrics, below). Then play 3X after 'TAB 2'and 'Retard' as shown at the beginning of the 3rd pass, and drop the 2nd measure of the 3rd pass (See end of 'PRELUDE', below). NC e|------------------------|------------------------| B|6---6-5---5-4---4-3---3-|5---5-3---3-5---5-3-----| G|7---7-6---6-5---5-4---4-|4---4-4---4-4---4-4-----| D|------------------------|------------------------| A|------------------------|------------------------| E|------------------------|------------------------| 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 'Basic' TAB 2: Play 8X (16 Measures). See lyrics, below. NC… e|------------------------|------------------------| B|3-5---3-6-------5-3---3-|5---5-3---3-5---5-3-----| G|4-4---4-7-------6-4---4-|4---4-4---4-4---4-4-----| D|------------------------|------------------------| A|------------------------|------------------------| E|------------------------|------------------------| 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + Begin 5th pass of TAB 1 - Begin TAB 2 - ▼ ▼ |NC |NC |NC | A-mer-i-can wom-an,… gon-na mess your mind… |NC |NC | A-mer-i-can wom-an,… she gon-na mess your mind… |NC |NC | … A-mer-i-can wom-an,… gon-na mess your mind… |NC |NC | A-mer-i-can wom-an,… gon-na mess… your mind… I say 'A',… |NC |NC |NC |NC | … I say 'M',… I say 'E',… I say 'R',… say 'I',… |NC |NC |NC |NC | … use 'C',… say 'A',… 'N'… Begin TAB 1 - ▼ |NC |NC | A-mer-i-can wom-an,… gon-na mess your mind… |NC |NC | A-mer-i-can wom-an,… gon-na mess… your mind… Retard… |NC |NC |G B D| A-mer-i-can wom-an,… gon-na mess… your mind… INTRO: [6 M] ** TEMPO = 92 / KEY = 'E' - ----- 'Signature' Rhythm Guitar TAB (Repeating 2 Measures) - E D E B D E D E Slide DOWN e|7-7-7-7-7-----7---7---7-7-------|7-7-7-7-7-----7-----\ \ \ \ \ \-| B|9-9-9-9-9---7-9---9---9-7---7---|9-9-9-9-9---7-9-----\ \ \ \ \ \-| G|9-9-9-9-9---7-9---9---9-8---7---|9-9-9-9-9---7-9-----\ \ \ \ \ \-| D|9-9-9-9-9---7-9---9---9-9---7---|9-9-9-9-9---7-9-----\ \ \ \ \ \-| A|7-7-7-7-7-----7---7---7-9-------|7-7-7-7-7-----7-----\ \ \ \ \ \-| E|------------------------7-------|--------------------------------| 1 - + - 2 - + - 3 - + - 4 - + - 1 - + - 2 - + - 3 - + - 4 - + - 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + |E D E B D |E D E |E D E B D | 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + |E D E |E D E B D |E D E | A-mer-i-can wo- VERSE/CHORUS #1: [14 M] --------------- |E D E B D |E D E | …-man,… stay a-way from me… A-mer-i-can wom- |E D E B D |E D E | …-man,… ma-ma let me be… |E D E B5 D | Don't come hang-in' 'round my door… |E D E | I don't want to see your face no more… I |E D E B5 D got more im-por-tant things to do… than |E D E |E D E B D | spend my life grow-in' old with you… Now wom-an,… stay a-way… |E D E |E D E B D |E D E | … A-mer-i-can wom- an,… lis-ten what I say… |E D E B D |E D E | A-mer-i-can wo- VERSE/CHORUS #2: [12 M] --------------- |E D E B D |E D E | …-man,… get a-way from me… A-mer-i-can wo- |E D E B D |E D E | …-man,… ma-ma let me be… |E D E B D | Don't come knock-in' 'round my door… |E D E | I don't want to see your sha-dow no more… |E D E B D | Col-ored lights can hyp-no-tize… |E D E |E D E B D | spar-kle some-one else's eyes… Now wom-an,… get a-way… |E D E |E D E B D |E D E | … A-mer-i-can wom- an,… lis-ten what I say… GUITAR SOLO: [8 M] ----------- |E D E B D |E D E |E D E B D |E D E | |E D E B D |E D E |E D E B D |E D E | A-mer-i-can wo- VERSE/CHORUS #3: [10 M] --------------- |E D E B D |E D E | …-man,… I said, Get a-way… A-mer-i-can wom- |E D E B D |E D E | …-man,… lis-ten what I say… |E D E B D | Don't come hang-in' 'round my door… |E D E | I don't want to see your face no more… I, |E D E B D |E D E | I don't need your war ma-chines… I don't need your ghet-to scenes… |E D E B D |E D E | Col-ored lights can hyp-no-tize… spar-kle some-one else's eyes… Now CODA: [10 M] ---- |E D E B5 D |E D E | wom-an,… get a-way… A-mer-i-can wo- |E D E B D |E D E | …-man,… stay a-way from me… A-mer-i-can wo- |E D E B D |E D E |E D E B D | …-man,… ma-ma let me be… I got to go… I got to get a- |E D E |E D E B D |E D E | -way… Babe, I got-ta go… I want to fly a-way… OUTRO: [8 M] With Guitar Solo - ----- 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + |E D E B D |E D E |E D E B D |E D E | |E D E B D |E D E |E D E B D |E D E |