歌手头像-Misc Unsigned Bands

Frankie Vaughn - Garden Of Eden

音乐人: Misc Unsigned Bands

Garden Of Eden:Frankie Vaughn.
#1 in UK on PHILLIPS Records in 1957.

INTRO: D# G# D#..Fm..D# G D#

D#                         G# D#       Fm        D#   G# D# 
When you walk in the garden.....in the Garden of Eden..
       G#        D#   G# D#                    A#   G# A# 
with a beautiful woman....and you know how you care.
                     D#    G# D#       Fm        D#  G# D#
And the voice in the garden.....in the Garden of Eden..
          Fm        D#    G# D#        G#        D#    G# D# 
tells you she is forbidden.....can you leave her there?

D#7                      G#                          D#   G# D# 
When you're yearning for loving and she touches your hand..
                        G#                              D#    G# D# 
and your heart starts a-pounding, and you're feeling so grand.
                     G#                  D#      G# D#
Can you leave her to Heaven and obey the command?
                      A#      F                    A#    A#7
Can you walk from the garden..does your heart understand?

A#7                  D#     G# D#       Fm        D#   G# D# 
When you walk in the garden......in the Garden of Eden..
       G#        D#    G# D#                    A#   G# A# 
with a beautiful woman.....and you know how you care.
                     D#     G# D#       Fm        D#  G# D# 
And the voice in the garden......in the Garden of Eden..
          Fm        D#    G# D#        G#        D#    G# D# 
tells you she is forbidden.....can you leave her there?

E7                       A                           E    A E
When you're yearning for loving and she touches your hand..
                        A                               E     A E
and your heart starts a-pounding, and you're feeling so grand.
                     A                   E       A E
Can you leave her to Heaven and obey the command?
                      B       F#                   B     B7
Can you walk from the garden..does your heart understand?

C7                   F      Bb F       Gm        F    Bb F
When you walk in the garden.....in the Garden of Eden..
       Bb        F     Bb F                     C    Bb C 
with a beautiful woman.....and you know how you care.
                     F      Bb F        Gm        F   Bb F 
And the voice in the garden......in the Garden of Eden..
          Gm        F         C                 F     Dm
tells you she is forbidden....can you leave her there?

Dm                Bb     C                 F      C
Can you leave her there..can you leave her there..can you leave 
her there?

A fifties smash from Kraziekhat.


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