x------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heaven – Def leppard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tabbed by:Sanjeev George & Thomas George Email:[email protected] [email protected] | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ let ring | + harmonic | x Mute note Tuning: Standard This is played in the intro and during the chorus…… w/distortion e|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------3---------3--------3-----------3---------------------------------| G|------2---------0--------0----------2-------------------------------------| D|--0~----------------------------0~----------------------------------------| A|------------3~------------------------------------------------------------| E|----------------------3~--------------------------------------------------| e|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------3---------3-----3~-----------------------------------------------| G|------2---------0--------0~-----------------------------------------------| D|--0~---------------------0~-----------------------------------------------| A|------------3~------------------------------------------------------------| E|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| the rest of the song will be posted when it's figured out. ========================================================================================= Here’s the rest of the song that was not posted last time. you may use power chords if you wish Verses - B B E B E E A E E ( It takes….) B B E B ( and no one …..) Pre chorus – E B E B (….leave your name..) G G (Baby watch out……) Chorus – D C G D D C G D When chorus ends second time (With the line “and no one……...”), Play G Just before the solo – A Towards the end of the solo – B B E B (Listen to the song) B B E B Finally with the line “….makes dreams come true…”, Play D Song ends with this e|------------------3~---------| B|------------------3~---------| G|------0-------0---2~---------| D|----0-------0-----5~---------| A|--3-------2-------5~---------| E|------------------3~---------| Please rate based on how accurate it is. Comments,suggestions………………………[email protected] [email protected]