歌手头像-Townes Van Zandt

My Proud Mountains

音乐人: Townes Van Zandt

My Proud Mountains - Townes Van Zandt

G          Em            C                   G  
My home is Colorado with her proud mountains tall
Em                    G       C                      G 
Where the rivers like gypsy's down her black canyons fall
Em                G                    C                  D   
Well, I'm a long, long way from Denver with a long way to go
Em                     G       C                    G   
So lend an ear to my singing 'cause I'll be back no more

G            Em           C     G 
I left as a young man not full seventeen
Em           G            C                G  
With nothin' for company but the wind and a dream
Em             G              C          D  
'Bout all the fast ladies and livin' I'd find
Em             G                  C        G  
When I left my proud mountains and rivers behind

G                Em           C              G
So I rolled and a-rambled like a leaf in the wind
Em                G                C        G 
Well, I found my fast ladies and some hard livin' men
Em                   G              C           D  
Well, I sometimes went hungry with my pockets all bare
Em                   G              C          G  
Lord, I sometimes had good luck with money to spare

G                Em                 C            G
I made me some friends, Lord, that I won't soon forget
Em              G                C         G
Some are down under and some are rambling yet
Em         G     C            D
But as for me I'm headed for home
Em           G             C            G 
Back to high Colorado never more for to roam

G                 Em            C          G             
So friends, when my time comes as surely it will
Em               G             C           G      
You just carry my body out to some lonesome hill
Em               G             C           D
And lay me down easy where the cool rivers run
Em               G          C             G
With only my mountains 'tween me and the sun

Em               G          C           G         
Yeah, My home is Colorado


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