Title: Caesar Artist: Iggy Pop Album: American Caesar Copyright: 1993 Tempo = 120 Guitar Open Dmin Capo 1 He play this riff all the song. It's a strange tune (opend d min with a capo in 1) but there only with this that i have a similar sound. D |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| A |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| F |--0L-0L-0--0L-0--0--3L-3--5--3L-3--0L-0L-0--0--0L-0--0--3L-3--5--3L-3L-3----| D |--0L-0L-0--0L-0--0--3L-3--5--3L-3--0L-0L-0--0--0L-0--0--3L-3--5--3L-3L-3----| A |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| D |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| use with a looper. Mail me if you want the gpx file. [email protected]