U = Strum up D = Strum down X = Mute S = Slide Strum down then The mutes are quiet The slides here are quickly back up & are played softly subtle and delayed ----------------------------------------------------------| ----------------------------------------------------------| ---------9-9-x-x-----------------7-7-x-x-4-4-4s8-8-8-8s9--| -x-x-----9-9-x-x-----7-7-x-x-----7-7-x-x-4-4-4s8-8-8-8s9--| -x-x-----7-7-x-x-----7-7-x-x-5-5-5-5-x-x-2-2-2s6-6-6-6s7--| -x-x-0-0-0-0-x-x-5-5-5-5-x-x------------------------------| D U D D D U D U D D D U D U D D D U D U D D U D D U Play this twice but don't play the first two mutes the second time.