歌手头像-The Presidents of the United States of America

Loose Balloon

音乐人: The Presidents of the United States of America

LOOSE BALLOON   -       The Presidents Of The USA

D - D/G - D/F# - D/E      4x 

D               D/G                                                   
    Loose bal -       loon
     D/F#                D/E                                              
How        high can you      fly
         D               D/G                                          
You're a     loose bal -       loon
            D/F#               D/E                                        
Before you        pop and you       die
D                D/G                                                   
    Loose bal -       loo
               Bb             A                                       
You made that     little kid     cry
          C                    G/B                                     
When you     took off for the       sun

D - D/G - D/F# - D/E      2x 

D               D/G                                                   
    Loose bal -       loon
     D/F#                D/E                                              
How        high can you      fly
          D               D/G                                          
You're a     loose bal -       loon
            D/F#               D/E                                        
Before you        pop and you       die
D                D/G                                                   
    Loose bal -       loo
               Bb             A                                       
You made that     little kid     cry
          C                    G/B                                     
When you     took off for the       sun

     G /            D                                                 
And      just this     morning
          A                Asus4        A                                  
you were     flat and de -        fla -    ted
G /         D                                                         
    No one     knew 
             A           Asus4        A                                     
if you were    loved or         ha -     ted
G /               F /                                                  
    just another      shriveled up 
A          Asus4       A                                                     
    loser         in      a 
C        G/B                                                           

G /           D                                                       
   so to the     kid who 
A             Asus4       A                                                 
    Cried to         get     ya
G /              D                                                    
    held like a     kitten
        A            Asus4       A                                          
he was     happy to         pet     ya till' the
G /               F /                                                  
    kid caught a      sucker and 
A           Asus4     A                                                     
    opened        up     his 
C         G/B                                                         

G /          D                                                        
    free so     free 
         A              Asus4        A                                      
now the     skie’s the         li -     mit
G /               D                                                   
    Twenty miles     up 
          A                 Asus4         A                                 
and it´s     just the be -         gin -     ning
G /            F /                                                     
    spaceman,      planets 
     A                 Asus4        A                                       
and     lunar surface         here     I 
here I       come

D               D/G                                                   
    Loose bal -       loon
     D/F#                D/E                                              
How        high can you      fly
          D               D/G                                          
You're a     loose bal -       loon
            D/F#               D/E                                        
Before you        pop and you       die
D                D/G                                                   
    Loose bal -       loo
               Bb             A                                       
You made that     little kid     cry
          C                    G/B                                     
When you     took off for the       sun
     C                    G/B                                          
You     took off for the      sun
C                          G/B                                         
    People squint to look       up
C                         G/B                                          
   People squint to look       up /
         D           G           F#       E                                 
Just to     see you     fly a -      way 
         D           G           F#       E                                 
Just to     see you     fly a -      way 
         D           G           F#       E                                 
Just to     see you     fly a -      way 
         D           G           F#       E                                 
Just to     see you     fly a -      way 

             D          G          Bb           A                           
Now, you're     abso -     lutely     free, so     don't stop
        D          G          Bb            A                               
You're     abso -     lutely      free, so     don't stop
        D          G          Bb            A                               
You're     abso -     lutely      free, so     don't stop
        D          G          Bb            A                               
You're     abso -     lutely      free, so     don't stop
           D  /                                                     
 ´til you       pop

D    xx0232
D/G  3x0232
D/F# 2x0232
D/E  0x0232
Bb   x13331
A    x02220
C    x3201x
G/B  x2000x
G    355433
F    133211
D    xx0xxx
G    3xxxxx
F#   2xxxxx


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