歌手头像-Dive Bella Dive


音乐人: Dive Bella Dive

The A# is basically just a transition chord so just strum it once, if the chord 
has an * next to it, just strum that once also c:

A    D   A# x4

A   D              A#    A      D
Smile, you've only got a line to go

                  A#       A
You've been given all this time for living
D                   A#
God, you're so bohemian

     A                          D    A#
Your vibes are really showing tonight

D                    E
Loosen your braids, unbutton your coat

   D  E
and I

A                D
Animal, I am the animal

A# A                D
Oh animal, I am the animal

A# A D A D A# A*

                         A   D
I am the sickness of the mind

         A#       D   A         D
You just nod, you say alright, alright

                     A#       A
Get on the last tube home and ride, provision

D                   A#        A                     D   A#
Nothing is forgiven when your running on the circle line

D                     E
Loosen your braids, unbutton your coat

   D  E
and I

A                D
Animal, I am the animal

A# A                D
Oh animal, I am the animal

A# A D A D A#

A D A# x2 A

                         A   D
I am the sickness of the mind,

                  A#     A    D
I am the sickness of the mind,

I am the, I am the 

A*               D*     
Animal, I am the animal

A# A                D
Oh animal, na na na na na na

  A#     A                D
I am the animal, na na na na na na

    A#  A            D
I'm animal, na na na na na na

      A# A                D
I am (Oh animal, na na na na na na)

I am the, I am the

A    D   A# x2 A*


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