歌手头像-Miles Kane

First Of My Kind Acoustic

音乐人: Miles Kane

Hi, this is my first tab, I took the chords from this video:

Have fun!

Fm Fmmaj7 Fm7 Fmmaj7

Fm Fmmaj7 Fm7 Fmmaj7
True Romance is what i'm after darling,
Fm Fmmaj7 Fm7 Bb
As it stands in the shoe thats cruising
Bb Bb Bb Fm
Crawling through like midnight panthers, growling at the moon,

Cm Fm C# G#
I'm on higher ground, you're the last of your kind,
Cm Fm C7 C7 Fm
All in good time you'll find that i'm the first of mine,
G# Cm Cm Fm
My kind, my kind, yeah i'm the first of mine,
G# Cm Cm Fm
My kind, my kind, 
Fmmaj7 Fm7 Bb
Sub-zero I know you're as cold as ice,
Bb Bb Bb Fm
Kiss gives me frost bite, it seems like you can't get enough,

Cm Fm C# G#
I'm on higher ground, you're the last of your kind,
Cm Fm C7 C7 Fm
All in good time you'll find, that im the first of mine,
G# Cm Cm Fm
My kind, my kind, yeah i'm the first of mine,
G# Cm C7
My kind , my kind,

C# C# G# G#
Those exploding roads, tinted specticles
Cm Cm Fm Fm
In the back of my mind,
C# C# G# G#
Chinese whispers floating round heaven rows,
Cm Cm C7 C7
I'm the first of my kind,

Fm G# Cm Cm
I'm on higher ground, you're the last of your kind,
Fm G# C7 C7 Fm
All in good time you'll find, that i'm the first of mine.
G# Cm Cm Fm
My kind, my kind, yeah i'm the first of mine,
G# Cm Cm Fm
My kind, my kind, yeah i'm the first of mine,
G# Cm Cm Fm
My kind, my kind, yeah i'm the first of mine,
G# Cm C7 Fm
My kind, my kind, my kind, yeah

Fmmaj7 = (1 3 2 1 1 1)


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